The eternal God is your refuge and his everlasting arms are underneath you.
 Deut 33:27 NLT 
His arms are outstretched
In a welcome embrace,
Inviting all
To look into his face,
To sit at his feet,
To believe in Him,
To receive his life,
And freedom within.
His arms are outstretched 
In a loving embrace,
Enfolding all
in forgiveness and grace,
He gave his life
That we may belong,
To the family of God,
Emboldened and strong.
His arms are outstretched 
In an eternal embrace,
To encircle the world
And the human race,
To show compassion
On all he has made,
To guard and protect,
To love and save.
Loving, eternal God, Jesus stretches out his arms to enfold all of creation.  May we care for and be good stewards of our beautiful world….

Loving, eternal God, as Jesus asks us to open our arms to others, may we love our neighbours as ourselves and be channels of the healing love, compassion and justice of Jesus……

Loving, eternal God, we praise You for your unfailing love.  May we open our arms more widely to receive the love and blessings that are ours in Jesus….  Amen.
Ruth Rushworth


Gracious God, we come to You this day.  We take a moment to relax our bodies and quieten our minds, to be still before You, to breath in your peace, to praise You. Loving God, we come to You……

To the throne of love and mercy,
To the seat of grace and peace,
To the arms of Jesus our Saviour,
To the heart of forgiveness.

To the love long awaiting,
That beckons, calls and draws us close,
To the source, the centre, the very being,
The breath, the life and Spirit of God.

To the heart of God, forever beating,
To the grace of Jesus, always redeeming,
To the breath of the Spirit, endlessly leading,
To the peace that knows no ending.

Gracious God, You are our God and we praise You…… We thank You and reflect on your presence, love and blessings throughout our lives……. May we take the grace and peace of Jesus to others today.  Amen.

Ruth Rushworth


The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust.

Ps 18:2 NKJV

I turn to my God
Who loves me,
Who saves me,
Who lifts my head
In times of trouble,
Who blesses me
And strengthens me.

His love and
Sweet songs of joy
Strengthen my inner being,
Give me hope and confidence
In the future.
I am not alone,
My God is with me.

My God surrounds me
with songs of deliverance,
My God saves.
While storms blast around me
I am secure.
My dwelling place is my God
And he will deliver me.

God of mercy and compassion, You are our strength and refuge. You meet us in Jesus in the depth of our need.  Help us to trust and not be afraid.  May the healing love of the risen Christ bring your strength, hope, peace and rest. We lift before you in prayer anyone you have placed on our hearts today, in Jesus’ powerful and precious name. Amen.

Ruth Rushworth


Jesus said …” I am the true vine and my Father is the Gardener… Remain in me, as I also remain in you”

John 15:1, 15:4 NIV

A garden of beauty
Created with love
Crafted by the hand
Of the Father above.

Every detail is planned
By a heavenly design
Nothing overlooked
Out of place, out of line.

Plants are fed
Drooping flowers watered
Trees are pruned
And shrubs supported.

Every flower, tree and shrub
Has its own place
Yet grow together
In a riot of colour and grace.

A garden of beauty
Fragrant with love
Tended with care
By the Father above.

Loving God, we praise You and thank You for the beauty of gardens; places where we can walk, talk and relax with each other and with You.

We praise You for your amazing love; the love that created our wonderful world and each one of us; the love that looks on us through Jesus with joy and delight.* We reflect on and thank you for the many ways in which You nurture us in the garden of our lives……..

Gracious God, we cannot do your work on this earth apart from You.  Help us to stay connected to Jesus, the source of life, love and nourishment.  May we open ourselves to the light of the fullness of his love, that we may spread the fragrance of Jesus in our world and grow together in grace, peace and love.

“For God so loved the world, that He gave his only son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16)


Ruth Rushworth

*Zephaniah 3:17


‘Neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord’.

Romans 8:39 NIV

Gracious God, you are with us,

By night and by day,
Through sunshine and rain,
In all our highs and lows,
At every twist and turn.

You’ve walked the way before us,
You know the road ahead,
Each stone, hill and valley,
The smooth or rocky river bed.

We lace up our boots,
And step out with you,
Knowing we will not fall,
You love is kind,
Your mercy great,
We praise you Lord of all!

Loving God, we thank you that nothing can separate us from your love in Jesus. In times of difficulty, trial or sadness, help us to hold on to this truth. You are our rock and our strength.*

As we step out and journey through this day, may we keep our gaze fixed on Jesus. Help us to see situations through his eyes and may we show your loving-kindness to our companions and all whose paths we cross along the way. Amen.

Ruth Rushworth


I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you.

Ezekiel 36:26 NIV

Enlarge my heart O God,
May your love encompass
The very centre of my being.
May I might worship You
In Spirit and in truth,
In freedom and transparency,
In honesty and purity,
In love and obedience.

Enlarge my heart O God,
May Jesus reside
at the centre of my life,
Of my thoughts and my prayers,
Of my words and my actions.
May His love radiate
Through every aspect of my life,
Out to your people, your world.

Enlarge my heart O God,
May your Holy Spirit
capture my attention,
inflame my passion,
Illuminate my path.
May I respond to your voice
With praise and thanksgiving
With love, justice and mercy.

Transforming love, may the love and goodness of God, the grace and compassion of Jesus and the power and presence of the Holy Spirit transform our lives and our world. Amen.

Ruth Rushworth


The Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden…..

Is 58:11 NIV
Beauty eternal
Risen from the grave,
Ascended to heaven
In radiance displayed. 
Beauty eternal
Clear and bright,
Forever interceding
With power and might.
Beauty eternal
Reigning above,
Through clouds of glory
Shining heavenly love.
Beauty eternal
Faithful and true,
Guiding by your Spirit
Making all things new.
Beauty eternal
Out of our sight,
Revealed by your Spirit
To the Father’s delight.
Beauty eternal
Jesus, may we gaze
On your love and compassion
All of our days.
Gracious God, we praise you. We take a moment to be quiet and still in your presence.  We breathe in your peace….. 
We thank you for Jesus, enthroned in heaven with you. Thank you for your Holy Spirit, who is with us to point us to Jesus, and strengthen, comfort and guide us throughout our lives.

Gracious God, may we commit ourselves afresh to you and draw deeply on the well of your renewing love, that the beauty and grace of Jesus may be displayed in us.  Amen.

Ruth Rushworth
May 2022


(Jesus said).. I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, to be with you forever.

John 14:16 ESV

Loving God, You have graciously given us a Helper and a  Comforter; One who will remain with us for ever.

One who will remind us of everything Jesus said, taught and did.  One who will teach us and show us things beyond our human understanding.  One who will reveal the heart and mind and ways of God.  One who will enable us and lead us in ways of righteousness of peace.  One who will pray with us in our weakness, in a way that cannot be put into words.  One who will arm us with strength and confidence in the midst of doubt and fear.  One who will clothe us with compassion, kindness, and humility.  One who will live out the Christian life with us and within us.  One who will breathe new life into us and fill us with joy and peace in knowing Jesus.

One who will convict us of the truth, who will gently remind us – …Jesus gave his life for you; …. you are wholly and dearly loved. *

Gracious God, we praise you for your life-giving Holy Spirit who is with us and helps us to navigate this often difficult life.  We thank you that He is a Holy Guest and will never coerce or over-ride our free will.  As we reflect, may we open our hearts to invite and welcome your Holy Spirit more fully into our lives, for Jesus sake. Amen.

Ruth Rushworth
*  1 John 3:16;  1 Col 3:12


The Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations. 

Psalm 100:5 NIV 

The morning dawns clear and bright,
The sun is risen spreading light,
Shining on all God has made,
On people of every nation and creed;

On each flower and blade of grass,
Over every valley and mountain pass;
Through birds that sing a joyful tune,
And animals grazing under the silvery moon;

Over fish that swim and dance and leap,
In waters clear, cool and deep;
On every word, thought and breath,
Over life and love, work, play and rest.

Loving, living God, we praise You for the beauty and every tiny detail of your wonderful creation. We praise You for your goodness and faithful love for us.  Help us to care for and protect our precious planet.  Soften our hearts and help us to respond to the needs of our neighbours throughout the world, with the love and compassion of Jesus.

Gracious God, we pray for the power of your healing, restoring love and your peace to be known by all people.  We lift our hearts to you in thanks and praise, that we might carry the light of your love to all we meet today.  Amen.

Ruth Rushworth


He has made everything beautiful in it’s time….
Ecclesiastes 3:11 NLT

Let all the world shout
Let all the world sing
Let all the world praise
Jesus, our Saviour
Christ, our risen King.
No work is too hard
No task is too small
His love without limit
His grace welcomes all.
He knows the world
In all of it’s ways
He says “do not fear”
My plans will prevail.
He gave his life
That we might be saved
From all that will perish
Spoil and fade.
He gave his all
That we might be free
To love, live and work
To his greater glory.
He has prepared for us 
In heaven above
A place of rest
Of endless love.
He looks on us
He knows our face
Holds every feature
In his loving embrace.
Gracious God,
To You we raise
Our hearts of love
Our songs of praise.
Loving Creator God, we look at the simple beauty and intricate detail of the delicate dandelion clock, often thought of as a common weed, yet perfectly and lovingly crafted by You. We praise you for this reminder of the variety and beauty of your creation and the reassurance of your endless love and care for us…… 

Loving God, You have made us in your image. You know even the smallest detail about us, you see our every move and you have counted each hair on our head.  You tell us not to us not to worry and not to fear.  You ask us to trust in You. 
Gracious God, strengthen and sustain us by the power of your Holy Spirit, and grant us your peace, as we place our trust in You.  We lift the prayers of our hearts, for our world, our communities, and all we love and pray for to You, in the name of Jesus, our Saviour.  Amen
Ruth Rushworth
