(May you) know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.

Eph 3:19 ESV

Blessed by your love
Welcomed and accepted
Loved beyond measure
For all eternity treasured

Our hearts cannot contain
The fullness of your love
Form everlasting to everlasting
In your grace and mercy we trust

Gracious, eternal God, you love us wholly, dearly and completely. You created us, You know us individually by name, You rejoice and delight in us. Thank you for Jesus who gave his life, his all, out of love for us. Thank you for the wonderful gift of your Holy Spirit to guide us always.  We praise You, we worship You and we thank You for the fullness of your amazing love.

Loving God, in You we trust. Draw us closer to You.  May we know your love more fully in our hearts and take it out into the world, in the ways we value and care for others.  May we know the the peace of your presence and may we hold on to your guiding hand as we walk every day with you.  Amen.

Ruth Rushworth