He heals the broken hearted and binds up their wounds

Ps 147:3 NIV

We come to You, almighty God,
With our wounds beyond repair,
To your healing, restoring, perfect love,
To your gentleness, strength and care.

You gather the pieces of our heart,
Hold them closely to your breast,
You bind them with precious, heavenly gold,
In the way that You know is best.

You bring our mended hearts together,
Wrapped, in your loving embrace,
Our lives, our loves, our hopes to share,
In the presence of your grace.

Gracious God, we thank you for Jesus who willingly suffered and allowed his body to be broken, that we might know the extent of his amazing love and find new life, wholeness, purpose, hope and peace in Him….

We thank you for those people who walk alongside us in times of difficulty, in love, acceptance and prayer……

We pray for people around the world whose lives are shattered and broken…..

May we pray for and offer comfort to others, with the comfort we ourselves have received…..

We offer these and all the prayers of our hearts to You, loving God, in Jesus’ name. Amen

Ruth Rushworth