About Ruth Rushworth

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So far Ruth Rushworth has created 419 blog entries.

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During this Christian Aid week we will be using prayers suggested for us by the charity.

Amos 5:24
‘Let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!’

We ask God to refresh us if we are weary of the suffering in the world. We ask God to replenish us with whatever we need to live faithfully with creation. We ask God to renew our resolve to take action in the face of climate breakdown.

God of all creation, we come, together or apart, longing to meet with You to be refreshed and restored, by the spring of living water, by the source of all life. In Your mercy, meet with us here. Amen.


(image: www.hippopx.com)

Ephesians 5:20
‘Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ’.

Gracious God, as we approach the end of the week, we bring our prayers before You. As we take a moment of quiet, we reflect upon and thank You for Your unfailing presence with us. For the times you have run alongside us, we give thanks. For the times You have taken each slow step with us, we give thanks. For the times You have danced in joy with us, we give thanks, and for the times you have carried us and picked us up when we have struggled, we give thanks. Lord God, we know that You are a God who is with us, who is there waiting to support and sustain us. At all times, whatever the situation, help us to continue to be assured of Your presence and place our trust in You. This weekend we ask for Your blessing upon anyone we are concerned about at this time, family, friends, neighbours, the folks we see in the news who we may never meet yet are in need our Your presence and Your love in their lives. May the power of Your Holy Spirit work through us to transmit love and peace in our world. We bring all our prayers before You in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Saviour, Amen.


(image: www.Pixabay.com)

Romans 8:28
‘And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose’.

Gracious God, as we come to You on this day of local elections, we thank you for the gift of democracy. We pray for all those who hold positions of power and authority at a local level. We pray that all those elected will serve with integrity and wisdom for the good of all the people in their care. Lord God, in the life of Your Son Jesus, we witnessed leadership rooted in justice, compassion and humility. We realise that there are many difficult issues to address in our communities, as the pandemic has impacted upon our economic and social well-being. And so, may all those entrusted to serve others have the courage to make just decisions, the knowledge to know how to respond in different situations and the vision to build communities where all people can thrive and all voices are heard. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.


(image: www.SnappyGoat.com)

Philippians 2:1-2
‘Your life in Christ makes you strong, and his love comforts you. You have fellowship with the Spirit, and you have kindness and compassion for one another. I urge you, then, to make me completely happy by having the same thoughts, sharing the same love, and being one in soul and mind.

Gracious God, as Deaf awareness is marked this week, we remember all those who live in a world of silence and give thanks for the Deaf community and their culture. We celebrate the use of sign language and pray that You will support and encourage all those who engage in learning to use it. We pray for all those who teach and support Deaf children and adults and pray that You give them understanding and insight. We pray that we will embrace its use in society and provide those who can interpret and translate it, in order to ensure that our communities are inclusive and welcoming. Lord God, help us to achieve a greater awareness of British sign language and strive to reach out to Deaf people in our communities so that they do not feel alone. We give thanks for the amazing work of hearing dogs for Deaf people who help to combat loneliness. So too, we pray for the work of all medical professionals who strive to support hearing loss. May all those who live in a world of silence feel the power of Your love and Your presence with them today and in the days to come. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.


(image: www.pixabay.com)

Matthew 5:9
‘Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God’.

Romans 14:19
‘So then let us pursue what makes for peace and for mutual upbuilding’.

Gracious God, as Foreign Ministers of the World’s leading economies meet today for the first time in two years, we lift their conversations before You. At a time when the whole world has been effected by the pandemic, at a time when poorer countries have been left even more vulnerable, we realise the importance of these conversations. And so Lord God, we pray for wisdom, we pray for empathy, respect and understanding between nations and most of all we pray for unity. We pray that the voices of those nations not present will be heard. Creator God, you created a world of diversity and we wish to celebrate that, but the reality is, not all countries are equal economically and we pray that decisions made today will afford equality and justice for all nations. So too, we pray that policies made will be for the good of the health of our planet. We pray, one world, Your world. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.


Mark 6:30-32
“The apostles gathered around Jesus and reported to him all they had done and taught. Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, ’Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.’ So they went away by themselves in a boat to a solitary place.”

Gracious God, in times of pressure and busyness, we see how Jesus took time out to spend solitary moments with You, and commanded His followers to do the same. And so, on this Bank Holiday Monday, even if there are things we must engage with today, be they physical or mental activity, help us to take a moment to rest in Your presence. Lord God, we know that it is through spending these still quiet moments with You, that You will fully refresh our souls. So as we come to You, we ask for the power of your Holy Spirit to calm and ease any burdens we may carry today, we ask for the power of your Holy Spirit to re-energise us and fill us with Your love and the assurance of Your presence with us, this week and in the days to come. You are our God and as we give thanks for all that You are, and always will be, we come to You. Amen.


(image: www.pixabay.com)
1 Thessalonians 5:11   (ESV)

‘Therefore encourage one another and build up one another, just as you also are doing’.

Gracious God, as ‘Captain Tom 100’ weekend begins, we remember how Captain Tom told the world that “tomorrow will be a good day”. Today we pray especially for those who face the future with anxiety or trepidation, who find it difficult to face tomorrow. May we continue to nurture communities so that their voices will be heard. May those in need of assurance feel the power of Your presence in their lives this day. As we are asked to consider doing 100 things for someone else over the weekend, we pray that you will help us to do what we can to make a happy tomorrow for someone, be it sharing a smile, sending a message, holding them in prayer, whatever we can do practically to make a difference to someone else. And finally Lord God, help us all to face tomorrow entrusting ourselves into Your care, Your guiding hand and Your mercy, acknowledging You as our Creator God. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.


(image: www.freeimages.co.uk )
1 Thessalonians 5:11   (ESV)

‘Therefore encourage one another and build up one another, just as you also are doing’.

Gracious God, as we come to You in prayer today, we acknowledge that the pandemic has effected and continues to effect us all in different ways, as we continue to move out of lockdown. There are those who are excited at the new freedoms of hair cuts and time spent with friends in gardens and parks, whilst there are others who remain unsure of the situation or are still forced into a life of isolation because of their vulnerability to the virus. And so, as communities, may we continue to reach out to one another with empathy, compassion and understanding. Help us to ensure that no-one is left alone to deal with the effects of the pandemic and may we be witnesses to Your love and Your presence in our world. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.


(image: pixabay.com)

Psalm 19:1-4   Good News Translation
God’s Glory in Creation

‘How clearly the sky reveals God’s glory! How plainly it shows what he has done! Each day announces it to the following day; each night repeats it to the next’.

Gracious God, as we come to the middle of the week, we stop and take the opportunity to open our eyes and ears to the beauty of the world You have given us and help us to recognise the beauty in the things we can so easily take for granted; the bird flying overhead, the daffodil bending its head on the roadside, the bee collecting nectar, the tree that has stood towering over the parkland for hundreds of years, ploughed fields of peat waiting to nurture summer crops. Creator God, as we open our minds to the wonders of Your creation, we give thanks. Help us to cherish our natural world as a reminder and as an assurance of Your living presence in our lives, now and for all eternity, Amen.


(image: M.M.Guenault)

Psalm 121    Good News Translation

‘ I look to the mountains; where will my help come from? My help will come from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. He will not let you fall; your protector is always awake’.

Gracious God, as we look out across the sea to St Cuthbert’s Cross, stood beside the rocks on Holy Island, Lindisfarne, we reflect upon the centuries that the cross has stood firm amidst storms, raging waves and high seas. We reflect upon how this simple wooden structure has remained a symbol of hope for centuries of travellers. There are some days Lord when we feel unsure and insecure, days when we feel battered and bruised by the storms of life, yet we know that Your love for us remains unchanged, that Your strength and protection will weather any storm. And so, we give You thanks and as we gaze at the serenity of this landscape, help us to feel the peace and hope in our hearts that comes from being loved by You, this day and in the days to come. Amen.

Words of Saint Cuthbert ‘Always keep God’s peace and love among you…’
