See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! For that is what we are!
1 John 3:1 NIV
He’d gone his own way,
He was down on his luck,
At the end of his tether,
With no way back up.
Then he remembered,
The light clearly dawned,
And taking his courage,
He turned to head home.
He had no expectation,
Of the welcome in store,
Hoping to be treated
as a servant, nothing more.
But his father was waiting,
And saw him arrive,
He ran to embrace him,
Exclaiming, my son! he is alive!
Weeping tears of great joy,
He ran through the town,
Dressed his son in great jewels,
In the finest linen gown!
With gladness and rejoicing,
He led his son home,
To the place he belonged,
And could call his own.
He threw a magnificent feast,
With no thought of the cost,
To celebrate the return,
Of the son who was lost.
Gracious God, we reflect on and thank You for the familiar story of the prodigal son returning home.* The son knew he would be received by his father, but had not recognised the extent of the father’s love waiting for him, and the rapturous welcome and great rejoicing that would accompany his return home.
Loving God, You have this same welcoming, embracing love for each and every one of us. May we come to You, just as we are, with arms outstretched in faith and trust, for Jesus’ sake. Amen
Ruth Rushworth
*(St Luke’s Gospel, chapter 15, verses 11-32)