Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!

Ps 8:9 NIV

I thank the Lord
For his wonderful love
For the beauty of creation
For his grace from above.

For all that I have
For all I hold dear
For life, love and friendships
Year after year.

Dear Lord, thank You for life, love and the beauty of all You have created.  Sometimes we get wrapped up in the news, in the busyness and stress of everyday life and we do not notice, or forget to thank you for your beautiful creation and your blessings in our lives and our world.

Dear Lord, we hold our lives before you; your goodness and love is all around us; in your creation, in the daily rising and setting of the sun, in every breath we take, in the love, care and kindness we share, in our relationship with You, in your direction in our lives and in everything we have ….  We take a moment to reflect and offer You our thanks and praise. Amen.

Ruth Rushworth