‘Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved’.
Romans 10:13 NIV

Gracious God, we continue to reflect on Jesus’ time on earth, the depth of his love for all mankind and his relationship with you:

Jesus often withdrew to pray. He resisted temptation. He sought the will of God. He fully understood his purpose on earth and was obedient in all things.

Jesus was revealed as the son of God at his baptism.  During his life he referred to himself The Way, the Truth and the Life, the Good Shepherd, the Gate, the Light of the World, The true Vine, The Resurrection and The Life, and our friend.

He longed to draw all people to himself as a hen drawn her chicks under her wing. He showed the depths of his love for us when he  suffered rejection, humiliation, pain and death on a cross. He willingly took our sin and suffering on himself and sacrified his life for us, so that we might receive eternal life through him.

He rose from the dead on Easter morning and, over a period of time, appeared to over 500 people. He ascended and is enthroned in heaven. He lives intercede for us as our Lord and our King.

Gracious God, we praise you that when we turn to Jesus in repentance and faith and invite him into our lives, we are assured that we are forgiven and receive new and eternal life through the Holy Spirit.

We praise and thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your redemptive love.  Help us to keep current in our relationship with Jesus and may we grow in love, humility and grace as we reflect on him and spend time with him in adoration, praise and prayer. Amen

Ruth Rushworth


This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only son into the world that we might live through him.
1 John 4:9 NIV

Loving God, we praise you for the love of Jesus. As we sit quietly before you, we reflect on aspects of his life as he walked on this earth:
Jesus willingly left the realms of heaven, to be born in a stable, to give his life for us.

He taught about the kingdom of God, a kingdom of righteous, justice and peace. He spoke the truth, honestly and directly.  He challenged beliefs and behaviour.

He was to be found with those who were rejected and cast aside by society. He accepted everyone who turned to him. He forgave, he healed, he restored.

Jesus never minded interruptions to his schedule.  He showed unequalled love, mercy and compassion as he changed his path or plans to bless or heal those who were sick, in pain or in need.

He shared meals, celebrated and mourned with his friends.

He calmed storms, he fed people and urged them not to worry and to trust in the provision of God. He assured them of the everlasting love and peace of the kingdom of God.

Thank you that he sacrificed his life for us that, when we turn to him in repentance and faith, we receive eternal life through him.

Loving God, as we read about and reflect on the life of Jesus, who turned the world upside down, we ask you to shed new light on familiar stories, to reveal more of Jesus to us and deepen our relationship with him.  We ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen

Ruth Rushworth


Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfil the law of Christ.
Gal 6:2 NIV

Loving God, we come to you with open hearts and thank you for this new day. We praise you for your love, your forgiveness, your guidance and your presence with us.

We thank you for the special gift of friendship:-
Gracious God we praise you,
For friendships old and new,
For those you place around us,
Faithful and true.

For friends who lend an ear,
And listen with great care,
Speak words of godly wisdom,
Offer a thought, a word, a prayer.

For friends who inspire,
And share our hopes and dreams,
Encourage and support us,
To fully extend our wings.

For friends who are with us,
When we’re feeling sad or down,
Bring a smile to lift and cheer
And replace a heavy frown.

For friends who help us keep account,
Of things we’ve said and done,
Who continue to surround us,
With love, joy and fun.

For friends who have a loving heart,
And help keep us on track,
To display our true colours,
And deal with any flack,

Thank you for our friends Lord,
And all that we share,
Where 2 or 3 are gathered,
You assure us that Jesus is there.

We ask you to bless our friends today. We thank you for all that you achieve through us as we pray and work together.  We pray for anyone in need of a friend and we ask that you would help us be a good and true friend to others.
We praise you for Jesus, our Lord and Saviour who calls us his friends (John 15:15). He is the best friend we could ever have. Help us to spend time with Jesus in prayer and read about him in the Bible, so that we may deepen our friendship with him in love, gratitude, praise and service. Amen.

Ruth Rushworth


.. God’s love has been poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit…
Romans 5:5 ESV

Gracious God, we take a moment to be still, to quieten our minds, relax our bodies and become aware of the rhythm of our breathing. We praise you, gracious God, for your presence with us.

We praise you for your love given to us through Jesus. We praise you for the breath of your Holy Spirit in us. We praise you for a love that is with us in our joys and sorrows, in our pleasures and in our pains; a love that overcomes; a love that forgives; a love that guides; a love that restores; a love that enables; a love that whispers to us to come – just as we are….

In the beginning,
At the start,
Of each new day
And fresh chapter,
God’s love is in our heart.

In the midst
Of every battle,
At every twist and turn,
Through every joy, hope and promise,
God’s love remains the same.

At rest,
At reflection,
In the coolness of the hour,
God’s love radiates
Eternal peace, grace and power.

Gracious God, we thank you that nothing can separate us from your love. You know our deepest needs.  As we reflect, help us to listen out for your voice in our hearts.  We thank you that you are with us this day and every day.

Ruth Rushworth


Image: MP McKellar – used with permission

Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding.
Proverbs 3:5 NIV

Loving gracious God, we praise you for the wonder and beauty of your creation,  We praise you for your mighty power and strength, we praise you for great compassion and mercy, we praise you for your protection, we praise you for your bountiful provision. We praise you for your love in Jesus our Saviour and the life and promises that become ours as we believe and trust in him. We praise you for guidance of your Holy Spirit.  We join our voices with all creation in praise, almighty, loving and gracious God.

We thank you loving God, our helper and provider, that there is no difficulty, no problem, no situation that is too big for you to handle.  When we cannot see a solution, help us to lay aside our fears and anxieties and trust in your eternal perspective and loving purpose, that you will make a way. As we lift our hearts and voices to you in praise, may our confidence, security and peace be firmly placed in Jesus our Saviour.  Amen.

Ruth Rushworth


Your Word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.
Ps 119:105  NLT

Gracious God, we praise for your Word in the bible and for Jesus your living, true Word. Thank you that your Word is true and relevant and speaks to us today.
Help us to understand and apply your Word and your promises in our lives, that the words in our vocabulary may be filled with truth, love compassion and grace.
Once a word is spoken it cannot be unsaid. May your Holy Spirit help us us to choose our words wisely and well to bring light to others. May we know when to speak, when to be silent and when to simply pray.

Sometimes words come easy,
sometimes they are hard.
They speak of the deepest truths,
And matters of the heart

They bring life and fulness,
Or darkness and despair.
They bring hope and promise,
Or hurt and lack of care

So let us be so careful,
To think before we speak.
Or type a message, press send,
and see the word “receipt”

Holy spirit guide us,
Gently as a dove.
That the words we speak, send and share,
resound with truth and love.

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and redeemer. (Ps 19:14 ESV)

Ruth Rushworth


May the God of peace equip you with everything good to do his will.
Hebrews 13:20-21 NIV

To you o Lord we lift our gaze.
To you o Lord we sing our praise.

You lead us gently forward,
Into your precious light,
To a place you have prepared for us,
For when the timing is perfect and right.
You bring us to a place,
Beyond our hopes and dreams,
A place of love and service,
Of peace, not of natural means.

You provide us with all we need,
blessings, gifts and skills,
Perfectly suited to each one of us,
To our hearts, our minds, our wills.
You equip us so completely,
With all that we require,
As we step out we need not fear,
For Jesus is our rock, our strength, our tower.

Whenever you may call us,
Wherever you may lead,
By your grace may we follow,
In thought and word and deed.

To you O Lord we lift our gaze.
To you o Lord we sing our praise.

Gracious God, we praise you for and reflect on your guidance and provision in our lives. We thank you that you have brought us safely to this new day.
May our lives be an open canvas for you to paint your words of love. May we be sensitive to and follow the nudging of your Holy Spirit in all things, big and small, that the love Jesus has for each of us be known and shared in our lives. Amen

Ruth Rushworth


“Come, follow me” Jesus said.
Matt 4:19 NIV
Loving God, we still and quieten our minds before you and thank you for your presence here with us. We praise you for Jesus and that you, loving God, invite us to follow him.
As we look at the picture, we imagine ourselves in this account in Matthew’s Gospel of Jesus calling his disciples. We consider what it meant to them to follow Jesus:-

As Jesus was walking beside the sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon called Peter and his brother Andrew.  They were casting a net into the lake for they were fishermen.  “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.”  At once, they left their nets and followed him.
Matt 4: 18-20 NIV

We reflect – Jesus came to seek them out. He knew them by name, he called to them and they followed him.  As they stayed close to him, he taught them and lived out the life of the kingdom of God.  They saw him retreat to quiet places to pray, they saw him love and serve others in miraculous ways and be obedient to the will of God. And they followed him…

Loving, gracious God, we praise you for your love in Jesus; the love that seeks us out and draws us daily to you. We reflect too on Jesus’ calling on our lives to come just as we are and follow him….
May we follow wherever you lead, in love, trust and obedience, for Jesus sake.  Amen.

Ruth Rushworth


If I ride on the wings of the dawn if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me your right hand will hold me fast.

Ps 139: 9-10 NIV

Loving God, we praise you that, wherever we go, we can never travel beyond the reaches of your love, care and guidance; neither the highest mountain, nor the deepest ocean can separate us from your all-encompassing love in Christ Jesus.

Whatever our situation, whatever we have done, or however we feel, we are never in a place that is beyond the reaches of your redemptive love.

Merciful God, when we turn to you through Jesus, you are there, running to meet us, arms wide open to welcome us into your presence, with joy, love, mercy and forgiveness. (Luke 11)

And so, wherever we are, we come to you afresh this day. In the stillness of this moment, we praise you. Help us to share what is on our heart with you and listen to anything you may say to us. May we live this day to the full, trusting in your guiding presence with us and in the quiet confidence of being secure in your love, for Jesus sake. Amen.

Ruth Rushworth


Give thanks to the Lord for he is good. His love endures forever.

Psalm 136: 1 NIV

Gracious God,
as we look around,
Your love and blessings
are to be found,
In places near,
and places far –

In the light of the moon,
Or a shining star;
In the warmth of the sun,
Or the refreshing rain;
In fields of gold,
A harvest of grain.

In a timely word,
Or a thought,
Or a prayer.
In a message of hope,
Concern or care.

In the light of the eyes,
Or a shining smile;
In the warmth of a touch,
That lingers awhile;
In hands that help,
Or a heart full of love.

All perfumed with grace,
and seasoned with love;
An everlasting gift
from God, in heaven above.

Gracious God, we praise you, for your very nature is love itself. You love us with a love that is constant, faithful, pure and true.

We praise you for the wonder and beauty of your creation, sustained by your hand. We thank you for the love of family and friends, and the loving kindness of those you place around us. We thank you for every breath we take and the precious gift of life itself.

We take a moment to be still before you and thank you for your love and your blessings ….

As Jesus was seen in unexpected places and situations, help us to see and be thankful for your provision for us at all times; for you, gracious God are good and you are loving and you walk alongside us all of our days. As you bless us, show us how we may be a source of blessing to others, both near and far, in the name of Jesus.

Ruth Rushworth
