It is the Lord who gives wisdom; from him come knowledge and understanding.

Proverbs 2:6 GNT

Gracious God, as we cast a glance at a picture or take a walk in the countryside, there is so much that we may not notice.  If we had lingered awhile during the walk in the photo above, we may have spotted the pond, perhaps caught sight of the kingfisher nestling under the bridge, or even the deer munching on saplings in the woods behind, or maybe the baby barn owl resting on the branches above.


As we spend time with you loving God, help us to linger awhile in your presence, to see you more clearly and follow you more closely.
Gracious God, may we have the wisdom and sensitivity to see beyond what is immediately obvious.  Help us to listen carefully to others so that we hear what is really being said.  And may we respond with your grace as your Holy Spirit guides us. For Jesus sake. Amen.
Ruth Rushworth