Be still and know that I am God
Ps 46:10 NIV
Gracious God, we praise you. We come to you and take time to simply relax in the peace of your presence.
As we sit, we quieten our minds and bodies and become aware of the rhythm of our breathing…..
As we breathe in, we think of breathing in the peace of Jesus; the peace that passes understanding….
As we breathe out, we let go of any worries and commit them to Jesus……
We give this time over to you and listen for anything you may say in our hearts…..
In the dawn
In the light
In the darkness
Of the night
Jesus is here
In the clamour,
In the fears,
In the laughter
Joy and tears.
Jesus is here.
In the loving,
In the giving,
In the sharing,
In the caring.
Jesus is here.
In the stillness,
In the peace,
In the place
Where strivings cease,
Jesus is here.
In the calm,
In the quiet,
In the balm
Of your Spirit.
Jesus is here.
Jesus said “Peace I give to you; my own peace I leave with you, a peace the world cannot give, this is my gift to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid” (John 14:27).
Gracious God, you breathe life and love on us. You forgive when we get it wrong and always seek to draw us back to yourself.
Out of love you gave your life that we might live. Your love is constant, it knows no bounds, it can never be extinguished, it is freely available to everyone.
Living, loving God, we sit quietly in your presence. Breath of love, breath of life, we praise you. Amen
Ruth Rushworth