Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

2 Cor 1:2 NIV

Through the heart of God
We are loved, just as we are,
Our saviour Jesus came from afar,
To gather us all to himself,
To speak of truth, of love, of rest.
He invites us into a kingdom of love,
To share the joys of heaven above,
He adorns us with his love and grace,
Gifts of peace and lights of faith.

He shows us ways to aid the weak,
To comfort those who grieve and weep,
To be His light in a darkened world,
To speak to those who have not heard
Of the love Jesus asked to be shared.
To work for justice, pray for peace,
To seek His face, His will, His grace.

Gracious God of all our days,
Accept our worship,
Our song of praise,
Our heart of thankfulness,
For Jesus your Son,
For your Holy Spirit,
God, three in one.

Loving God, we praise You. May your gracious, all-encompassing love embrace us and transform us from the inside out, that all may know they are cherished by You, God of Love and Creation. Amen.

Ruth Rushworth


Jesus said “Come to me all you who are thirsty, come and drink! Streams of living water will flow from within all who believe in me.”

John 7:38 NIV

Gracious God, we come to You; we calm our minds and still our bodies, slow our breathing and settle into this time of reflection with You, living, loving God. We come, with all that is on our hearts and minds, knowing that we are perfectly loved and accepted by You just as we are. Gracious God, we praise you….

As the deer pants for water,
so I long for you O God….
I will meditate upon your kindness…
For by day
the Lord pours out
his steadfast love…
Through the night
I pray to the God
who gives me life.
He is my help!
He is my God!

Extracts from Psalm 42 TLB

Gracious God, thank you that we can come and bathe under the cascade of the pure, renewing, refreshing waters of Jesus, through the power of Your Holy Spirit.  Thank you that You satisfy our deepest thirst and longings.
Draw us closer to You as we drink deeply from the waterfall of Your everlasting love, strength and grace in Jesus. Amen.

Ruth Rushworth


“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.”

Jeremiah 29:11 NIV

Image: Rachael Towersey.
Used with permission

We thank you loving God for the beauty of the snowdrops, also known as snow piercers, pushing their way up through compacted ground, through mud and leaves into our gardens, parks and hedgerows. Thank you for these signs of new life and the assurance they bring that Spring is on the way.

Loving God, we thank you too for the words of life and hope in the book of Jeremiah, given to your people at one of the darkest times in their history. We praise you that your plans are always for good, to bring life, hope and a future through Jesus.  Thank you loving God that you are always at work in the garden of our lives. May we work alongside you to bring forth your plans for our world and ourselves.

May we be strongly united in prayer as we bring to you our concerns for people and situations around the world and close to home.  We pray for anyone in need of vision and hope, that You, God of love, life and provision, would meet them through Jesus with an assurance of your peace and presence. Amen.

Ruth Rushworth


.. My grace is all you need…

2 Cor: 12:9 NLT

Loving God,
We come to You,
Our God, our Saviour.
In this quiet space
We worship You,
We praise You,
We thank You.

We listen.
We wait.

We offer ourselves,
our lives up to You,
Trusting, that You
Will bless,
Give back,
And provide,
All we need
In our lives
To love and serve
You and others,
With joy and gladness,
Today and every day.

Come, Lord Jesus,
By you Holy Spirit,
Fill out hearts,
Our minds,
Our lives,
With love for You.

Loving God, imprint your love, your grace, your power and your peace on us through your Holy Spirit, that the light of Jesus may always shine brightly in our lives, homes and communities. Amen.

Ruth Rushworth


The Lord has shown us what is good “…to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with your God” 

Micah 6:8 NIV

Loving God, we praise you for your wonderful and beautiful creation. The world and everything in it belongs to you. We praise you for Jesus, light of the world and the life, love, hope and future we have through Him.

Ellen Ochoa, Astronaut commented:

“My first mission blew me away…

When you’re looking down on the earth and you realise that people are fighting each other, as opposed to this view that you have of people all being part of a single planet; it’s really saddening.

Viewing the earth from space, it certainly transforms the way you look and think about earth, you see everything as one interconnected system, including all your family and friends and everything you’ve ever known is down there on this planet. It’s the place we call home and we need to take care of it.” *

Loving, creator God, we pray for our world …
We pray for unity  …
We pray for peace  …
We pray for justice  …
We pray that we might love and care for each other; each one is precious to You …
We pray that we might take care of our planet and everything you have given us …

Gracious God, we thank you that, no matter how things seem, you are in control and your good and loving purpose will prevail. May we lift our eyes from our perspective to yours.  May we walk closely with you and draw on the guiding light of your love and presence with us, as we live out our lives this day, for Jesus’ sake.  Amen.

Ruth Rushworth

* Ellen Ochoa Astronaut
Speaking on 2022: The Year From Space
Channel 4, Tuesday 3rd Jan 2023

Free Image: Bing Wallpaper


He will not let your foot slip – he who watches over you will … neither slumber not sleep

Psalm 121: 3-4 NIV

He opened his arms
In a welcome embrace,
Stay close my child
As you run the race,
Surmount the obstacles
Over which you tread,
Trust in me,
I know the way ahead.

I will never leave you
I am always yours.
I never take my eyes off you
I’ll help you stay on course,
I adore you with a passion
And a heart that burns with love,
All I am I give you
My child, I am enough.

Loving God, we reflect on your gracious promises to us.  Thank you that you are our help and protection, our constant guide and companion who watches over us by night and by day. May we stay close to you and lead others towards you. For Jesus sake.  Amen.

Ruth Rushworth


See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! For that is what we are!

1 John 3:1 NIV

He’d gone his own way,
He was down on his luck,
At the end of his tether,
With no way back up.

Then he remembered,
The light clearly dawned,
And taking his courage,
He turned to head home.

He had no expectation,
Of the welcome in store,
Hoping to be treated
as a servant, nothing more.

But his father was waiting,
And saw him arrive,
He ran to embrace him,
Exclaiming, my son! he is alive!

Weeping tears of great joy,
He ran through the town,
Dressed his son in great jewels,
In the finest linen gown!

With gladness and rejoicing,
He led his son home,
To the place he belonged,
And could call his own.

He threw a magnificent feast,
With no thought of the cost,
To celebrate the return,
Of the son who was lost.

Gracious God,  we reflect on the familiar story of the prodigal son returning home.*  The son knew he would be received by his father, but had not recognised the extent of the father’s love waiting for him, and the rapturous welcome and great rejoicing that would accompany his return home.

Loving God, we praise you and thank You for this illustration of your amazing goodness and love for each one of us. You love us because your very nature is love. We thank you for Jesus, who gave his life that we might be restored to you.  We pray for anyone you have placed on our hearts today.  May we open our lives more fully to your unconditional love and stay close to you in prayer, praise, trust and thankfulness, for Jesus sake. Amen

Ruth Rushworth

*(St Luke’s Gospel, chapter 15, verses 11-32)


The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control.

Galatians 5:22 ESV

Gracious God, Jesus said, remain in me and you will bear much fruit, fruit that will last. (John 15:4-5)

Loving God, we praise you and thank you for the wonderful blessing of your fruit, produced by the working of your Holy Spirit in different seasons of our lives. We acknowledge and thank you that it is not the result of our own effort, but received through your goodness and loving-kindness to us through Jesus.

Gracious God we reflect with You on the fruit of your Spirit and thank you for your many blessings in our lives…….
May we love and support each other on life’s journey, and may we we stay close to Jesus, that we may bear fruit that will last, for the glory of your eternal kingdom. Amen.

Ruth Rushworth


Your love, Lord, reaches to the heavens, Your faithfulness to the skies.

Ps 36: 5 NIV

Gracious Lord, as we reach the mid point of January, we hear phrases such as “Blue Monday” and the “January blues”.  At times, like the weather, our lives are overcast, grey and cloudy, and we battle against driving rain and blustery winds. Gracious God, we remember that blue skies are above the clouds and that light does penetrate the gloom.

We take time to quieten our minds, slow our breathing, calm any anxious thoughts and be still before you…. We reflect on, praise you and thank you for your love and faithfulness towards us. We lift our eyes to you and share our worries, our concerns and our joys with You, gracious God. May the breath of your Holy Spirit fill us with your strength, your perspective and your peace.

We pray for anyone in need of encouragement, a kind word or a helping hand today.  May we share the love, encouragement and hope we have through our faith in Jesus with one another.  Amen.

Ruth Rushworth


You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord himself is the rock eternal.

Isaiah 26: 3-4 NIVUK

Gracious God, we lift our gaze to the rock of Catbells and the majestic peaks of the mountains beyond and we praise you for your mighty power and strength. Thank you that you surround us on every side with your steadfast love.  Lift our gaze beyond circumstances, to the strength and beauty of your love, and to your presence and enabling in our lives.

As we look at the clear, still water, we thank you gracious God, that you bring calm and your peace as we face the storms of life.

As we reflect on your mighty strength, your peace and steadfast love, we pray for those you have laid on our heart.  We place our hand in the hand of Jesus and ask you to lead us safely through this day. Amen.

Ruth Rushworth
