Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life. 

Ps 23:6 NIV

The words are simple,
Their meaning deep,
They speak of life,
To all who seek,
To all who search
For meaning
And hope,
To be loved,
To be cherished,
To bear a light yoke.

The words are simple,
The words are true,
The creator of the world,
Loves and gave his life for you.

The words are simple,
To all they speak
To those who are rejected,
Spurned or weak,
To those who bear
a heavy load,
with cares, new and old,
To all to long to see the face,
Of our Saviour, Jesus
full of mercy and grace.

Gracious God, as we enter Holy week, we reflect on the last week of Jesus’ human life. He was initially welcomed in Jerusalem, then rejected, abandoned, mocked, cruelly tortured and left to die on the cross.

He knew all that would happen to him, yet kept focused on the will of God and his clear purpose on this earth. He remained the servant of all and prayed, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing”. (Luke 23:24 NIV).

Loving God, we praise you from the bottom of our heart, for Jesus, our good shepherd, our servant king, our Saviour who loves us so much that he willing sacrificed his life for us……we turn to him now and we offer you our thanks and the prayers of our hearts, in Jesus’ name.  Amen.

Ruth Rushworth