Gracious God, we come to You in prayer this morning remembering the needs of all our young people. As the debate continues over A level exam results, we ask that you will be with all those experiencing disappointment and heartache at this time, as they reassess future plans. We know Lord that many youngsters will be waiting anxiously for GCSE results this coming Thursday. Please give them a sense of calm and assurance amidst the stress of waiting. We pray that authorities adopt systems that ensure fair and just results for all our children. And so too Lord, we pray for the many young people seeking employment in this increasingly difficult work environment. Lord God, we acknowledge the impact the health crisis is having on the mental well-being of everyone in society, but today we particularly lift before You the emotional concerns of our younger generation, as they seek to make sense of the instability of the world around them. As we place them under the shadow of Your wings, give them courage, give them assurance and give them peace. In the Name of Jesus we pray, Amen.