Gracious God, when we come to You in prayer, so often we turn to the words of the psalmist. In the Psalms we hear the voices of a people who laid their desires, their anxieties, their joys, their hopes and their vulnerabilities before You. And yet in You they placed their trust, in You they sort refuge. And so Lord God, at the start of a new day, we sit for a moment in the quiet and bring ourselves to You, knowing that You love us for who we are, and that You want nothing more than that we share today with You. Help us to open our hearts and not be afraid to be open and honest with You about how we are feeling this day. May You walk beside us and through the power of Your Holy Spirit, may we feel the joy, the peace and the security that comes from being loved by You. We praise You and we thank You for your unfailing love. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.