“Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken, nor my covenant of peace be removed says the Lord, who has compassion on you.”
Is 54:10 NIV

Dear God, whatever we face in this life, whenever we feel shaken, your word assures us time and time again that your love that is unbreakable and your peace cannot be shattered.

Jesus said “my peace be with you…. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” * Gracious God, we pray for all who are troubled or afraid. We pray for the blessing and assurance of your peace. Amen.

* John 14:27 NIV


Jesus said “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry. Whoever comes to me will never be thirsty.”

John 6:35 NIV

Saving grace calls
To all who would hear;
Come to me,
Come, draw near.

Listen to my words,
Hear my eternal plea;
I gave my life, my love, my all,
A gift, to set you free.

Accept my loving offer,
Given for you, willingly,
Turn your eyes, open your heart,
And come, simply trusting in me.

Loving God, we come to You in praise, we come to You in thankfulness, we come to You in our joy, we come to You in our struggles, we come to You with open hands.  We come to You today in the name of Jesus….

God of provision, thank you that You nourish and sustain us physically and spiritually through Jesus, the source and centre of love. May we be strengthened and rooted in faith,  May we find rest and replenishment in your shade, and may we blossom and bear fruit in your light and love. Open our hands and hearts to share your love and provision with others that the hungry may be fed and the thirsty satisfied.  We pray for anyone seeking the assurance of your provision and may your Spirit bring the peace of Jesus.  Amen.


St John writes  – (Jesus)… became a man and lived among us! And we gazed upon the splendour of his glory…overflowing with tender mercy and truth!  …  And now out of his fullness we are fulfilled. And from him we received grace heaped upon more grace.

John 1: 14, 16 TPT

Gracious God, who created everything and everyone out of love, we come to you at the start of this new day. We thank you for the fullness of your love, your faithfulness, grace and kindness.

As we reflect on your love we consider the day that lies ahead of us, the opportunities and challenges we may face and the people we may meet. Bless our day dear Lord, fill it with your love and grace. May your blessings and kindness flow into all our lives, for Jesus sake. Amen


Then God said ” Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.” And it was so. 
Gen 1:1 NIVUK

God of creation and provision, we thank You for creating a beautiful and fruitful world for us to care for and enjoy.  Thank you for the beauty of the harvest moon, the ripe and bountiful berries, fields harvested or being sown for winter crops, birdsong filling the air, glistening spiders’ webs and the ever changing colours of the new season.

Gracious God, out of love, and through Jesus, You created each and every one of us and the world we live in.  Help us to love, care and provide for each other and our planet as we ought.  As we go about our day, may we notice and praise You for the wonder and beauty of your creation. Amen

Ruth Rushworth


Jesus said “I am the way, the truth and the life..”
John 14:7

The message is beautiful,
Good and true,
Jesus Christ,
Gave his life for you.

He said come!
Follow me!
I’ll be with you,
And you’ll be with me.

Together we can change
The world for good,
Spread the message,
Of joy, peace and love.

My Spirit will remind you,
Of all I have said,
Will lead you forwards,
On the right paths to tread.

So do not worry,
Do not fear,
I am the light of the world,
I am near.

Loving God, amidst all the messages, news, claims and comments we hear in our world today, we thank you for the message of the gospel, Jesus gave his life for everyone.

May we share this wonderful and wild news of life and love, of new beginnings, hope and a future. May we share it far and wide, may we shout it from the rooftops and sing in in our hearts. May we live it out in our work, our play and in our relationships and love and care for others.

Loving God, may the message of your eternal love be firmly embedded in our hearts and lives as we follow Jesus, the way, the truth and the life. Amen.

Ruth Rushworth


Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights. 

James 1:17 NIV 1:18 NLT

Gracious God, we look at this picture of a fountain, pouring forth droplets of water, each one sparkling in the sunshine. We see each droplet touching the water and spreading out in a ripple effect of light across the lake.

We thank you that every one of us is equally valuable, precious and wholly and dearly loved by you; there is no hierarchy in your kingdom.
We praise and thank you for the gift of life and love, given freely to us through Jesus.

Thank you too for the gifts, talents and skills you have given to each of us.  We may think that we have little or nothing to give, or that what we do has little impact or significance.  However, you assure us that nothing we do in your name is ever wasted. You bless and multiply all we offer you, in ways we may never know. 

Gracious God, as we pray and work individually and collectively, may the ripples of your love spread throughout the world, touching especially those who feel lost, isolated and forgotten. 

Ruth Rushworth


Your Word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path. 
Ps 119:105  NLT

Gracious God, we praise for your Word in the bible and for Jesus your living, true Word. Thank you that your Word is true and relevant and speaks to us today. 
Help us to understand and apply your Word and your promises in our lives, that our words may be filled with truth, love compassion and grace.
Once a word is spoken it cannot be unsaid. May your Holy Spirit help us us to choose our words wisely and well to bring light to others. May we know when to speak, when to be silent and when to simply pray.  

Sometimes words come easy, 
sometimes they are hard.
They speak of the deepest truths,
And matters of the heart

They bring life and fullness,
Or darkness and despair. 
They bring hope and promise,
Or hurt and lack of care

So let us be so careful,
To think before we speak.
Or type a message, press send,
and see the word “receipt”

Holy spirit guide us,
Gently as a dove.
That the words we speak, send and share,
resound with truth and love.

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and redeemer. (Ps 19:14 ESV)

Ruth Rushworth


May the God of peace equip you with everything good to do his will.
Hebrews 13:20-21 NIV

To you o Lord we lift our gaze.
To you o Lord we sing our praise.

You lead us gently forward,
Into your precious light,
To a place you have prepared for us,
For when the timing is perfect and right.

You bring us to a place,
Beyond our hopes and dreams,
A place of love and service,
Of peace, not of natural means.

You provide us with all we need,
blessings, gifts and skills,
Perfectly suited to each one of us,
To our hearts, our minds, our wills

You equip us so completely,
With all that we require,
As we step out we need not fear,
For Jesus is our rock, our strength, our tower.

Whenever you may call us,
Wherever you may lead,
By your grace may we follow,
In thought and word and deed.

To you O Lord we lift our gaze.
To you o Lord we sing our praise.

Gracious God, we praise you for and reflect on your guidance and provision in our lives. We thank you that you have brought us safely to this new day.  
May our lives be an open canvas for you to paint your words of love. May we be sensitive to and follow the nudging of your Holy Spirit in all things, big and small, that the love Jesus has for each of us be known and shared in our lives. Amen

Ruth Rushworth


God is love 
1 John 4:8

Lord, you look on us with love.  Thank for the love of Jesus, that invites us to come, to believe and trust in him, day by day.  Lord, your love brings life and light; Lord, shine the light of your love

Lord, You look on us with love. May we open our hearts to receive your generous love.

Lord, You look on us with love, show us opportunities to share the love and kindness of Jesus, our friend and Saviour.

Lord, you look on us with love. May your love be a source of strength, comfort and hope today and in the days to come.

Lord, you look on us with love. May your love inspire our prayers of gratitude and praise. May your love, show us how to pray for the needs of our world, our leaders, our communities and our families.

Lord, shine the light of your love. In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

Ruth Rushworth


For God loved the world so much that he gave his only son, so that everyone who believes in him may not die but have eternal life.

John 3:16 GNT

Gracious God, the cross in the photo was left at the door of church and is now displayed in one of the windows.

As we look more closely, we see the cross is formed of many pieces of paper,  carefully and beautifully folded, wrapped around each other, each one unique, but contained and held within the arms of the cross, forming part of the whole, each piece has its place in the picture.

We reflect on God’s love  …..

The picture reminds us that Jesus knows all of us completely, all our ins and outs, our twists and turns. He loves us and accepts us just as we are.

It reminds us that, on the cross Jesus gave his life for each and every person. He paid the price for all the wrongs, hurts, suffering and pain of this world, past present and future.

It reminds us that through the Resurrection we have new life. When we turn to Jesus our Saviour we are promised forgiveness, eternal life and a new beginning.  We can find healing, purpose, joy, peace and hope in his everlasting love and presence with us.

It shows us that we are all united in Jesus, we all matter, we are all part of his body, his family of believers, continuing his work of sharing his love, serving and telling others about him.

Gracious God, thank you for the gift of the cross left at the door of church. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the wonderful gift of Jesus our Saviour.

Gracious God, may your Holy Spirit draw us closer to you and help us to appreciate more fully the wonderful and free gift of life and love in Jesus. We pray that all who are searching or questioning will find the assurance of your love in Jesus and their place in your family of believers. Amen

Ruth Rushworth
