See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! For that is what we are!
1 John 3:1 NIV

He’d gone his own way,
He was down on his luck,
At the end of his tether,
With no way back up.

Then he remembered,
The light clearly dawned,
And taking his courage,
He turned to head home.

He had no expectation,
Of the welcome in store,
Hoping to be treated 
as a servant, nothing more.

But his father was waiting,
And saw him arrive,
He ran to embrace him,
Exclaiming, my son! he is alive!

Weeping tears of great joy,
He ran through the town,
Dressed his son in great jewels, 
In the finest linen gown!

With gladness and rejoicing,
He led his son home,
To the place he belonged,
And could call his own. 

He threw a magnificent feast,
With no thought of the cost,
To celebrate the return,
Of the son who was lost.

Gracious God, we reflect on and thank You for the familiar story of the prodigal son returning home.*  The son knew he would be received by his father, but had not recognised the extent of the father’s love waiting for him, and the rapturous welcome and great rejoicing that would accompany his return home.

Loving God, You have this same welcoming, embracing love for each and every one of us. May we come to You, just as we are, with arms outstretched in faith and trust, for Jesus’ sake. Amen

Ruth Rushworth

*(St Luke’s Gospel, chapter 15, verses 11-32)


May the Lord bless you and keep you
Numbers 6:24 NIV

Father, Son and Spirit three,
Guide us, lead us eternally,
May your light shine clear and bright,
Marking the path by day and night.

Through the hills, through the trees,
In days of sunshine, rain and breeze,
In times of plenty and moments of need,
In kindly thoughts, words and deeds.

As we journey, walk and wander,
Grant us time and space to ponder,
To give thanks in song, dance and prayer,
For your endless love and merciful care.

Loving God, thank You that You direct our paths, thank you for Jesus who showed us the way to live and thank you for your Holy Spirit who helps us to follow Jesus every day.

Thank You that You are with us on our journey through life. We thank you for your many blessings in our lives; for family and friends and for all those who have helped and encouraged us on our way.

Loving God, may we bless others as we have been blessed and live our lives in a way that is pleasing to You, for Jesus’ sake. Amen

Ruth Rushworth


I will stand on solid ground and praise the Lord.
Ps 26:12 NLT

A love that knows no limit,
A love that knows no bounds,
A love that sets us on our feet,
And places us on firm ground.

We build our house in Jesus,
Sink our foundations in his love,
Construct our walls with bricks of truth,
Live under the security of his roof.

Gracious God, we praise you for Jesus, our firm foundation. We praise You for a love that came down from heaven to earth and gave his life on a cross, a love that will go to any lengths to reach out to us and bring us home.

Loving God, we pray for those who have no firm foundation, no shelter, no place of security and nowhere to call home.  May your love and provision underpin all efforts to bring security and shelter to others.

Faithful God, may the solid foundation of Jesus be our strength and support as we seek to follow him.  May your Spirit help us to open our hearts to others and reflect his love in our lives. Amen

Ruth Rushworth


May your will be done.
Matt 6:10 NLT

Lord of rest,
Of work and play,
Lord of all life,
Of every day.

Lord of creation,
Making all things fresh,
inspiring, energising,
With every breath.

Lord of love,
For every human heart,
Hold us close,
Never from us part.

Dear Lord, as we come to you this morning and the day opens up before us, we open up our lives to your inspiration, your energy, your care and your love.

As we consult with You, help us to make good plans and decisions. Lead us to the places to go and the people to see, give us the messages to send and the words to speak, show us the work to do and the prayers to pray.

For all that we do with You makes a difference in your eternal Kingdom.  May your Kingdom come, may your will be done.  In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Ruth Rushworth


Jesus said “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives.  Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.”

John 14:27 NIV

If the world points it’s finger,
God opens his arms.
If the world rejects and discards,
God says I will keep you from harm.

If the world fears and is anxious,
God says I will keep you calm.
If the world suffers and is sorrowful,
God says I am your balm.

Loving God, You are with us in our world, in the midst of all it’s beauty and joy and in all it’s sadness, injustice and suffering. We are all loved by You and are precious to You. Thank you that you are with us and that nothing can separate us from your love in Christ Jesus.*

We thank you for and pray for organisations and all who work to care for and support good mental and physical health, and towards peace and a just world.

We thank you for the many ways we can share your love. Thank you that a smile, a listening ear, a prayer and simple acts of care and kindness can mean so much.

Loving God, we pray for acceptance wholeness and peace in our world, in Jesus’ name. Amen

Ruth Rushworth


A voice came from the cloud, saying, “This is my Son …listen to Him.”
Luke 9:35 NIV

Jesus removed the barrier,
Threw opened the door,
Heaven and earth,
Are separate no more.

He flooded the world,
With love and light,
The colours of heaven,
Shining bright.

A love of justice,
Of peace of truth,
Acceptance, forgiveness,
Under one roof.

United in Jesus,
Lord, may we share,
His love, his life,
His light and his care.

God of love and light, of mountains and valleys, of sunshine, clouds and rain, we praise You for Jesus, your Son. Thank you that He came to restore our broken relationship with You, and to unite us with You under the roof of your eternal love.

Loving God, as we reflect, we thank you that knowing Jesus makes a difference in our every day lives.  May we embrace his light and love and rest secure in him.

As we prepare for Easter, may your Spirit help us to hear his voice and share his love in our families, neighbourhoods and communities, that all may be united and cared for in your loving family.  In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen

Ruth Rushworth


I keep my eyes always on the Lord, with him at my right hand I will not be shaken 

Ps 16:8 NIV

Come to me
I am here
I know your needs
Do not fear

I will draw
Close to you
Hold you up
And see you through

Times of trouble
Times of strife
Times of sadness
And difficulties in life

Trust in me
I understand
I lead with love
As I take your hand

Find peace In my nearness
Help in my strength
Comfort in my arms
Hope in my defence

God of love, as we rest in your presence, we bring to mind your words of assurance and promises in the Bible…

So do not fear, for I am with you.  Do not be dismayed for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand
(Is 41:10 NIV)

Gracious God, You know and understand suffering and all our difficulties, concerns and anxieties. Help us to place them in your eternal hands, for your love is faithful and trustworthy.

Loving God, draw us near to your loving presence by your Spirit.  May we pray, bless, support and care for each other with the love You have given us in Jesus. Amen

Ruth Rushworth


The Lord is my God! I will praise him and tell him how thankful I am. 
Ps 118:28 CEV

Gracious God, as we reflect with You, we praise You and thank you for Jesus, our Good Shepherd:
* the shepherd who searches for every one lost sheep;
* the shepherd who says my sheep know me, they hear my voice and follow me;
* the shepherd who gave his life for us only to take it up again after 3 days;
* the shepherd who has prepared a place for each of us in our eternal heavenly home.

Loving God, we thank you for Jesus our good shepherd, who knows each of us by name and freely gave his life for us. Help us to listen out for and follow his guiding, assuring voice.  May we reflect Jesus in the way we care for and treat others, so that all may know his gracious love. We pray in his loving name.  Amen.

Ruth Rushworth


Jesus said … “Come, let’s take a break and find a secluded place where you can rest a while.”

Mark 6:31 TPT

Loving God, we come to a quiet place to sit with You. As we rest with You and reflect on Psalm 23, may you guide our own thoughts and prayers….

The Lord is my shepherd…
Lord, you are our protector, watching over us and caring for us. You know our needs before we even ask ……

He leads me to quiet, restful places …. He restores….
Loving God, you know our need for rest and for quiet time with You.  Your presence equips us for life’s journey and brings, replenishment, peace and healing to our souls.

He guides me along the right paths ….
Gracious God, you lead us in ways that are right. We keep our gaze fixed on You.

He walks alongside me….
Lord, You are an ever present help in every situation. Keep us close to You. We need not fear for You are always with us.

His rod and staff comfort me…
Mighty God, your strength and compassion direct, comfort and sustain us.

You have prepared a banquet for me….
Loving God, You rejoice in us.  You are a God of provision, we praise You and rejoice in You.

You anoint me, my cup overflows….
We are precious to you. Thank you for all your heavenly blessings on us through Jesus.

Your goodness and mercy will follow me….
Lord, your goodness, kindness, love and mercy pursues us all of our days.  You never turn your back on us.

I will dwell with You now and forever….
Gracious God, we are welcomed into your family through Jesus. You love and accept us just as we are.  You are with us, your house is our home, now and forever. Amen

Ruth Rushworth


Jesus said “I love you just as the Father loves me; remain in my love.”

John 15:9 NLT

Loving God, as we move into Lent, we reflect that throughout his life, Jesus withdrew to solitary and quiet places to spend time with You.  In your loving presence, Jesus gained his strength, his spiritual food, his direction, his wisdom and understanding of his unique role as Saviour of the world.

Gracious God, we reflect on how, where and  when we spend time with You. Thank You that your Holy Spirit reveals your love and informs and guides us in the ways you have planned and prepared for us.  Help us to follow Jesus more closely and hold his love, presence and peace in our hearts. Amen.

Ruth Rushworth
