Genesis 1:31
“God saw all that he had made, and it was very good”.
Gracious God, as COP 26 begins this weekend, we turn to You in prayer for the health and sustainability of our planet Earth. Lord God, You have made us custodians of Your creation and yet humankind has destroyed many aspects of our amazing, beautiful world. We give thanks that conversations are taking place in the corridors of power about what we can do to prevent further damage and bring about restoration and healing. We pray that Your presence, wisdom and restorative power will be felt in every meeting that takes place during the conference.We pray that nations across the world will unite in the rescue plan that our planet needs. So too, we pray that You will help us to play our part in assisting the healing and recovery process.You have gifted humankind a truly beautiful and awesome home. And so, help us to take seriously our guardianship of the gifts You have bestowed upon us. May our call to be stewards govern and guide our daily living. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.