Genesis 9:13
‘I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth’.

Gracious God, as Autumn enfolds there are many days when clouds fill the skies and the rain falls. But after the rain You send the gift of the rainbow, which shoots an arc of light and colour to radiate across the darkness. Lord God, in the moments when our lives are tinged with clouds, help us to see those flashes of light when we catch a glimpse of the beauty of nature, or feel the warmth of friendship, or experience the gift of empathy and understanding. In those moments, help us to remember Your love for us and Your ceaseless presence in our lives. Amen.

Thoughts on Rainbows by Margaret Langdon 1st June 2016

The light of God made easier for us to see
A reason to stop and stare for a short time
Moments of colour in a drab day
Signs of hope in despairing darkness
The remembrance of better times gone by
The unexpected appearance of sunshine people on the darkest day.

Thanks be to God, Amen.