(image: www.publicdomainpictures.net)
Psalm 89:11 (ESV)
‘The heavens are yours; the earth also is yours; the world and all that is in it, you have founded them’.
Gracious God, as the Great British Spring Clean campaign begins tomorrow, we give You thanks for the community spaces that bring us pleasure; for parks and public gardens, canal pathways and riverside walks, beaches and coastal pathways. For all the places at which we glimpse the beauty of the natural world, we give You thanks. Lord God, we appreciate that these are shared spaces, spaces for which we all have responsibility for their protection and preservation. Sadly we see the scarring upon these places caused by abandoned litter and waste. Help us to do what we can to support schemes that seek to rid the environment of pollution in order to keep our communities green and litter free. Help us to be good stewards of the Earth that You have entrusted us to care for. For the beauty of the Earth, we give thanks. Amen.