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Come, let us worship the Lord our maker; for he is our God and we the people of his pasture, the flock under his care.

Psalm 95: 6-7 NIV

Glorious creation,
Wonderful world.
Sing praise to God,
By whom we are made.

Praise to the Father,
Praise to the Son,
Praise to the Spirit,
God, three in one.

We lift our hearts high,
In worship and praise,
Singing glory to God,
All of our days.

Infinite wisdom,
Glorious might,
God of creation,
Everlasting light.

Healer, restorer,
Making all things new,
To God of the universe,
Our praise is due.

Praise to the Father,
Praise to the Son,
Praise to the Spirit,
God, three in one.

Gracious God, out of love you formed a beautiful and perfect world for us to enjoy and care for.  Out of love, you made us in your image to walk closely with you.  Out of love, Jesus came and gave his life to restore us to you  Out of love your Holy Spirit is with us to guide us.  Out of love you tend and care for us every single day.

Gracious God, you are Lord of all, the whole of creation declares your power and your love. We offer you our praise and worship.

God of love, in these challenging days, keep us close to you.  Inspire us to care for our world and environment in new ways.  Encourage us to be your hands, your feet and your voice in your world.  Enable us to share your love, in practical and prayerful ways, that all may know the love, the hope and the assurance of Jesus in their lives. Amen

Ruth Rushworth


‘I lift up my eyes to the mountains – where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth’.
Ps 121 NIV

The mountains,
In their glorious majesty,
Speak of your generosity,
Through Jesus your son.

The mountains,
In the shimmering light,
Speak of your presence,
At day, noon and night.

The mountains,
In the quiet solitude,
Speak of your peace,
Far from the multitude.

The mountains,
In the paths they trace,
Speak of your guidance,
Your love and your grace.

The mountains,
In the protection they provide,
Speak of your caring,
Throughout all of our lives.

The mountains,
In the leisure they offer,
Speak of your rest,
In Jesus, our brother.

The mountains,
In their glorious majesty,
Speak of your capacity,
For love into eternity.

Gracious God, we take a moment to bring to mind a place or a scene where we have known the beauty and majesty of your creation and maybe felt the nearness of your presence….

Gracious God, creator of heaven and earth, we praise you for your love and your watch over us all of our lives. We lift our eyes to you, for you know the paths we should take. You will never let us slip and fall. You hold us securely in your hands. We praise you that we always have a way directly to you, loving God,  through Jesus our Saviour. Amen.

Ruth Rushworth


Be still and know that I am God

Ps 46:10 NIV

Gracious God, we praise you. We come to you and take time to simply relax in the peace of your presence.

As we sit, we quieten our minds and bodies and become aware of the rhythm of our breathing…..

As we breathe in, we think of breathing in the peace of Jesus; the peace that passes understanding….

As we breathe out, we let go of any worries and commit them to Jesus……

We give this time over to you and listen for anything you may say in our hearts…..

In the dawn
In the light
In the darkness
Of the night
Jesus is here

In the clamour,
In the fears,
In the laughter
Joy and tears.
Jesus is here.

In the loving,
In the giving,
In the sharing,
In the caring.
Jesus is here.

In the stillness,
In the peace,
In the place
Where strivings cease,
Jesus is here.

In the calm,
In the quiet,
In the balm
Of your Spirit.
Jesus is here.

Jesus said “Peace I give to you; my own peace I leave with you, a peace the world cannot give, this is my gift to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid” (John 14:27).

Gracious God, you breathe life and love on us. You forgive when we get it wrong and always seek to draw us back to yourself.

Out of love you gave your life that we might live. Your love is constant, it knows no bounds, it can never be extinguished, it is freely available to everyone.

Living, loving God, we sit quietly in your presence. Breath of love, breath of life, we praise you. Amen

Ruth Rushworth


I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but have the light of life.
John 8:12 NIV
Lord of love, Lord of life.  You have overcome the world.  Your love formed us, delights in us,  brings purpose, meaning and hope. Your love has prepared an everlasting home for us.  You see us as we truly are, and love us.
Gracious God, we praise you and reflect on your promises in Christ. Loving God, shine your light brightly into our lives.

Lord Jesus,

Your love takes my breath away.
Your cross saves me.
Your outstretched arms embrace me.
Your gaze of love forgives me.
Your heart of compassion enfolds me.
Your words of truth release me.
Your wisdom teaches me.
Your grace enables me.
Your breath of life fills me.
Your prayers sustain me.
Lord Jesus,
Your love takes my breath away.
Ruth Rushworth

It is the Lord who gives wisdom; from him come knowledge and understanding.

Proverbs 2:6 GNT

Gracious God, as we cast a glance at a picture or take a walk in the countryside, there is so much that we may not notice.  If we had lingered awhile during the walk in the photo above, we may have spotted the pond, perhaps caught sight of the kingfisher nestling under the bridge, or even the deer munching on saplings in the woods behind, or maybe the baby barn owl resting on the branches above.


As we spend time with you loving God, help us to linger awhile in your presence, to see you more clearly and follow you more closely.
Gracious God, may we have the wisdom and sensitivity to see beyond what is immediately obvious.  Help us to listen carefully to others so that we hear what is really being said.  And may we respond with your grace as your Holy Spirit guides us. For Jesus sake. Amen.
Ruth Rushworth

“Come to me all you who are weary and heavily burdened and I will give you rest.”
Matt 11:28 NIV
Gracious God, we offer you our praise. May we come to you today with grateful and thankful hearts for the many blessings in our lives.  Forgive us for those times when we fail to express our gratitude to you and to others. We take a moment to quieten and still our minds, to thank you, and to leave any worries or anxieties with you ……
It is for freedom
That christ has set us free.
I come to you Lord Jesus,
Lift the yoke from me.
You carry every burden,
Every hurt, every wrong.
I release them to you Jesus,
Your love has become my song.
You took the weight on calvary,
Your hands and feet were pierced.
Your love broke the chains of bondage,
Forgave, renewed, dried our tears.
I come to you Lord Jesus,
In trust love and praise.
May I receive all you offer,
And serve you all my days.
Gracious God, we thank you that you carry the weight of our burdens. Help us to leave them with you. May we have hearts that are gentle, humble and full of praise and gratitude.  We pray for anyone carrying a heavy load today, that they may receive help and find rest in Jesus.  Amen.
Ruth Rushworth

“…I chose you and appointed you so that you might go out and bear fruit – fruit that will last…”
John 15:16 NIV

Loving God, we worship you, we praise you. We thank you for your loving kindness shown to us in Christ Jesus. We quieten our minds as we prepare to spend time with you…

We praise you for the harvest.  We thank you for the nourishment and sustenance it will bring to people close to home and throughout the world.  We thank you for those who share and distribute food and supplies to those in need.  We pray that no-one may go hungry.

We thank you too for your word in the bible, written to nourish us, to encourage and inspire us, to give us hope and a future, and to know you loving God, through Jesus.

We reflect on your words of love written in the book of Jeremiah…

Before I formed you in the womb
I knew you…
I called you…
I appointed you…
Do not be afraid…
I will be with you…
I will rescue you….
(From Jeremiah 1: 4-6)

Loving God, as we come to you this day, we ask that, by your grace, you would work out your loving purpose in us.  Even though we may never see  nor know the fruit you produce through us, may we have a willing and obedient spirit to trust and follow you. For Jesus sake. Amen.

Ruth Rushworth


‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me’.
Phil 4:13 NKJV

The secret of being content
In every situation,
Whether in need, or replete,
Is knowing Jesus,
In him we are complete.

He gives the strength to face
Each new day ahead.
To know that we need not fear,
Succumb to worry or dread.

He heals the broken hearted,
And binds up all our wounds.
He gives a hope and a future,
And shares the good news.

He assures us that God loves us,
Our future is secure.
He will never leave us,
No matter where we are.

In Jesus we find peace,
In him we praise and rejoice.
In him we dwell on all that is good,
With one heart, one mind, one voice.

So let us commit to God
All we think and do.
God’s plans are good and perfect,
His mercy is faithful and true.

Gracious God, we praise you and thank you for this new day. Thank you that we do not face it alone, but in the knowledge of your presence with us, your love for us in Jesus, and in the power of your Holy Spirit.

We thank you, gracious God, that time spent with you is time well spent.  Help us to leave our anxieties with you.  Enable and strengthen us for the day ahead.  May we, and all those you place on our hearts, know your peace and the love of Jesus our Saviour.  Amen.

Ruth Rushworth


….use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace…
1 Peter 4:10 NIV

Gracious God, we praise you for the beauty in nature.  We praise you that you are the tender and loving gardener who works for good in all things, bringing life, colour, fragrance and harmony into our world and our lives.
Thank you for the gifts you have so graciously given us.
Thank you that you inspire us when we get together and share thoughts and ideas.
Thank you that you enable us and open doors, in ways we might never have imagined,  as we work together prayerfully, bringing our different gifts, skills and talents into your service.

Gracious God, help us to discover and use our gifts just as you wish us.  May we grow together, in love and unity and be resourceful as we consider ways of serving you and others, for Jesus’ sake. Amen.

Ruth Rushworth


“So do not not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

Isaiah 41:10 NIV

Gracious God, we praise you for the love and strength of Jesus with us and among us.  Help us to be good and faithful friends, that we may see the needs of others and extend the hand of love and friendship.

We thank you for the medical expertise, care and practical skills that restore health and bring wholeness.

We thank you for the NHS, for charities, relief agencies, organisations and individuals who recognise a need and respond with helping and healing hands; bringing hope, life and a future for others.  We thank you for their vocation and dedication and pray for your blessing on their work and lives.

Gracious God, we bring before you anyone in need of your loving touch today. May they know the presence and peace of Jesus.  Amen.

Ruth Rushworth
