The Lord watches over you – the Lord is your shade at your right hand; the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night…. The Lord watches over your life…. He will watch over your coming and going both now and evermore.
Ps 121 5-8 NIVUK
May our hearts share your love
May our lives reflect your grace
May our minds reveal your wisdom
May our tongues sing your praise
Loving God, wherever we are and in all of our circumstances, we thank you for the assurance of your love and protection. Thank You that You watch over our lives and protect and guide us by night and by day.
Gracious God, as the summer months continue and schools take a break, some will stay at home, while others take off on holidays and adventures. We pray for opportunities for reflection, refreshment and relaxation; for times of wonder and joy; for times for family, friendship, fun and laughter; for times to strengthen relationships with each other and with You.
Loving God, help us to remember to spend time in prayer; to bring our thanks and our praise, our worries and our anxieties and our concerns for others to You. And may our lives reflect the light and love of Jesus our Saviour. Amen
Ruth Rushworth