The Lord watches over you – the Lord is your shade at your right hand; the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night…. The Lord watches over your life…. He will watch over your coming and going both now and evermore.

Ps 121 5-8 NIVUK

May our hearts share your love
May our lives reflect your grace
May our minds reveal your wisdom
May our tongues sing your praise

Loving God, wherever we are and in all of our circumstances, we thank you for the assurance of your love and protection. Thank You that You watch over our lives and protect and guide us by night and by day.

Gracious God, as the summer months continue and schools take a break, some will stay at home, while others take off on holidays and adventures. We pray for opportunities for reflection, refreshment and relaxation; for times of wonder and joy; for times for family, friendship, fun and laughter; for times to strengthen relationships with each other and with You.

Loving God, help us to remember to spend time in prayer; to bring our thanks and our praise, our worries and our anxieties and our concerns for others to You. And may our lives reflect the light and love of Jesus our Saviour. Amen

Ruth Rushworth


He heals the broken hearted and binds up their wounds

Ps 147:3 NIV

We come to You, almighty God,
With our wounds beyond repair,
To your healing, restoring, perfect love,
To your gentleness, strength and care.

You gather the pieces of our heart,
Hold them closely to your breast,
You bind them with precious, heavenly gold,
In the way that You know is best.

You bring our mended hearts together,
Wrapped, in your loving embrace,
Our lives, our loves, our hopes to share,
In the presence of your grace.

Gracious God, we thank you for Jesus who willingly suffered and allowed his body to be broken, that we might know the extent of his amazing love and find new life, wholeness, purpose, hope and peace in Him….

We thank you for those people who walk alongside us in times of difficulty, in love, acceptance and prayer……

We pray for people around the world whose lives are shattered and broken…..

May we pray for and offer comfort to others, with the comfort we ourselves have received…..

We offer these and all the prayers of our hearts to You, loving God, in Jesus’ name. Amen

Ruth Rushworth


(May you) know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.

Eph 3:19 ESV

Blessed by your love
Welcomed and accepted
Loved beyond measure
For all eternity treasured

Our hearts cannot contain
The fullness of your love
Form everlasting to everlasting
In your grace and mercy we trust

Gracious, eternal God, you love us wholly, dearly and completely. You created us, You know us individually by name, You rejoice and delight in us. Thank you for Jesus who gave his life, his all, out of love for us. Thank you for the wonderful gift of your Holy Spirit to guide us always.  We praise You, we worship You and we thank You for the fullness of your amazing love.

Loving God, in You we trust. Draw us closer to You.  May we know your love more fully in our hearts and take it out into the world, in the ways we value and care for others.  May we know the the peace of your presence and may we hold on to your guiding hand as we walk every day with you.  Amen.

Ruth Rushworth


..Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

2 Cor 3:17 NIV

Holy Spirit,
Gentle as a dove,
Create in us
Warm hearts of welcome,
Open arms of and love.

A dwelling place
Of hope and grace,
Where all may find
Love and acceptance,
Freedom and peace.

Freedom to come,
Just as we are,
To listen, to talk,
To express the thoughts
and desires of our heart.

Freedom to comfort,
To care and to serve,
To follow and share
the love of Jesus
here on earth.

Gracious God, we thank You for the love of Jesus that welcomes and receives everyone.  Thank You that You made us in your image for a relationship with You and with each other.  Thank You for friendship, fellowship and community.

Gracious God, we ask You to bless our relationships.  May the light of your love shine on us.  May our branches reach out to offer welcome, light, shade, and peace. May we offer a place of safety and acceptance, where all can grow and spread their wings.

And may “…the peace of God that surpasses all understanding, … guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” (Phil 4:7 ESV)

Ruth Rushworth


Be still and know that I am God

Ps 46:10 NIV

Father, I praise,
Father, I adore,
Bless my soul,
My life, my all.

Jesus, I praise,
Jesus, I adore,
Come into my heart,
Stay with me evermore.

Holy Spirit, I praise,
Holy Spirit, I adore,
Lead me in the ways
Of Jesus, my Lord.

Father, Son and Spirit, we worship You. In the stillness of this moment, we breathe in your breath of life, your breath of love and peace.  We open our lives to your transforming love. Place your name on our lips, in our minds and in our hearts.

Breath of life and love, breathe your goodness and peace on us today, that we might reflect You in our thoughts, our words and actions. May we breathe the breath of the love of Jesus into the lives of others. Amen

Ruth Rushworth


I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Phil 4:13 NKJV

Life on the edge
Living by faith
Relying fully
On saving grace.
Raised to the sun
In glory and praise
Responding to the light
In colour ablaze.
Thanks be to God
For Jesus his Son
For his life and love
And the victory He has won.

Gracious God, at times, circumstances, or challenges we wish to undertake, leave us feeling that we are living life on the edge.  We thank you for the strengthening love and grace of Jesus, available to us in every situation, through the power of your Holy Spirit.

Gracious God, help us to keep our gaze firmly fixed on Jesus. May we know his presence and enabling in our lives, as we seek to follow your will and direction in all things.
As we reflect, we pray for those you have placed on our hearts …… may they know the strength and support of the love of Jesus.  Amen.

Ruth Rushworth


…anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun. 
2 Cor 5:17 NLT
Transforming God, we praise You for the new life and fresh start we have when we turn to Jesus and choose to follow him.
We praise You that You know us as we truly are, you know our every thought and feeling, our every word and action. You know our hopes and dreams, our joys and our pains, our strengths our weaknesses, you know our full potential and all that is possible in our lives through the love Jesus has for us.

Gracious God, as we spend time with You, may You draw us close. May we submit our will to yours, as we choose every day to follow Jesus, that your transforming love may be evident in our lives.  Amen.
Ruth Rushworth


Show me your ways Lord, teach me your paths.  Guide me in your truth … For you are God my Saviour and my hope is in You all day long.
Ps 25: 4-5 NIV

The day stretches out before us,
We know not what it holds,
Fill it with your love Lord,
With blessings manifold.

May it flow with kindness,
Wisdom, calm and peace,
Walking along the path laid out,
In the shade of leafy trees.

Loving God, we lay before you,
At the start of this new day,
The places we will travel to,
And people we meet along the way.

May our lives
Reflect your beauty,
Your calm your truth and peace,
Trusting in the grace of Jesus,
In love and thankfulness.

Gracious God we praise you and thank you for this new day. As we pray and consider the day ahead, we ask you to bless it and those we meet along the way.  May we walk on the path You have prepared for us, and may we stay close to Jesus, our loving and faithful companion and guide.  Amen.

Ruth Rushworth


“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you.”

Jer 1:5 NIV

Be still,
Come into my care.
I know your joys,
Your sorrows, your despair.

Trust me,
in times of your greatest need,
When you know not where to turn,
Or who to believe.

Follow me,
With all your heart.
I will lead you safely,
When the days are dark.

Lean on me,
With all your strength,
My precious child,
I am your defence.

Look to me,
Whatever you face.
I am your strength,
Your peace, your inner grace.

Loving God, may we be still, quieten our minds and open our hearts before You.  You, loving God, formed our very being, know our every move and long for us to come to your open arms and loving embrace. We come to You now in prayer…..

Loving God, may we be still, trust, follow, lean on and look to your love through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour.

Look to the Lord and his strength. Seek his face always. Ps 105:4 NIV


Ruth Rushworth


And God said “let there be light, and there was light”

The earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep and the spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said “let there be light, and there was light”.
Genesis 1 2-3 NIV
God of creation
God of light
God of power
God of might
God of love
God of peace
God in whom we find our niche.

A place where stress and strivings cease,
A place where we find perfect peace,
A place where life in fullness resides,
A place of strength under cloudy skies,
A place of calm in stormy seas,
A place of trust that meets our needs.
We praise You, Creator God, for your goodness and love. As we reflect, may we know the light of your presence with us……

May the light of your love shine in dark places and overcome the darkness. May the fullness of your love fill the emptiness with the grace, purpose, life, and peace of Jesus, our Lord and Saviour.  We pray for your creation, our world and all you have placed on our hearts this day.  Amen

Ruth Rushworth
