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So far admin has created 71 blog entries.

Love our Neighbour

Lord Jesus Christ, you taught us to love our neighbour, and to care for those in need as if we were caring for you.

Merciful God, we entrust to your tender care those who are ill or in pain, knowing that whenever danger threatens,  your everlasting arms are there to hold them safe. Comfort and strengthen them and may they feel the assurance of your presence with them.

Gracious God, give skill, sympathy and resilience to all who are caring for the sick, and your wisdom to those searching for a cure. Strengthen them with your Spirit, that through their work many will be restored to health.

Creator God, help us to trust you, help us to know that you are with us, and help us to believe that nothing can separate us from your love revealed in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Love our Neighbour2025-01-26T16:03:52+01:00

A Prayer for those on the Frontline

Heavenly Father, thank You for all those caring for, protecting, and serving our communities, our families, and us. Thank You for all those people daily risking their own health and safety for others.

Gracious God, we pray for their protection. Please give then the courage and strength to deal with the demands made upon them.

Please provide everything they need, both for the people they are serving and for their loved ones. Help us to support them and their families as they care selflessly for others.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

A Prayer for those on the Frontline2020-04-29T12:35:43+01:00

Through Christ

Lord of Love, it is good to come to You and remember that we do not face anything in our strength alone, but with You walking alongside us. Through the Power of Your Holy Spirit, you give us the courage and the strength to face the challenges set before us. You give us the courage to continue to serve you and others. So teach us to let go of any fears and doubts and to place our trust in You, throughout this day and always, Amen.

Through Christ2020-05-15T17:30:52+01:00

All We Can

God of Grace, as we are reminded this morning of this text by the Methodist Charity ‘All We Can’, we lift before you all those charities who are affected by the implications of the virus. We pray that pathways will be forged to ensure that the most vulnerable continue to receive the support they need. We thank you too for all those people who are doing whatever they can to raise much needed funds to assist the NHS and those in need of financial support. May we all continue to support this work as a people united and strengthened by Your Holy Spirit. Amen.

All We Can2025-01-26T16:04:03+01:00

Receive the Holy Spirit

In John 20:22 we read ‘Receive the Holy Spirit’.

Gracious God, thank you for sending the power of your Holy Spirit into our lives to inspire and challenge and equip us to live our lives in glory to you. Help us to see your power in action as we witness great acts of love and self-giving across our nation and our world. At the start of a new week of lockdown, we ask that you give courage and strength to all those who will once more step onto the front line, in order that others may stay safe. May they feel the Power of the Cross. Bless us today Lord, and those we love. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Receive the Holy Spirit2020-04-29T12:42:05+01:00

Prayer for a Pandemic

May we who are  inconvenienced remember those whose lives are at stake.

May we who have no risk factors remember those most vulnerable.

May we who have to cancel our trips remember those who have no safe place to go.

May we who are losing our margin money in the tumult of the economic market remember those who have no margin at all.

May we who settle in for a quarantine at home remember those who have no home.

May we who have the luxury of working from home remember those who must choose between preserving their health or making their rent.

May we who have the flexibility to care for our children when their schools close remember those who have no options.

As fear grips our country, let us choose love.

During this time when we cannot physically wrap our arms around each other, let us yet find ways to be the loving embrace of God to our neighbours.


Prayer for a Pandemic2020-04-29T12:36:04+01:00

Creation Garden

On your daily walk (or even indoors), collect some items that you can make a mini prayer garden with. A paper plate, an egg box, anything will do. Just add things, that you collect and say thank you to God for all that he has created for you.

Creation Garden2021-10-01T13:48:39+01:00

Thank You Prayer

Use chalks to create your own family prayer picture. Draw your home and family, you can even cut out people using paper and add them to your picture. Include the names of people you’d like to pray for. If you can make bubbles, send a prayer as each bubbles floats away, or even shout out loud the name of someone who is helping you everyday and say thank you.

Thank You Prayer2020-04-29T12:42:49+01:00

The Good Samaritan

And now an activity from Rachael, Reuben and Myah who read the Story of the good Samaritan together.

One day Jesus told a story to a man who asked him how to be a good neighbour.  “There once was a Jewish man walking along a road.  He was coming from Jerusalem and was heading to Jericho, which was a full day or two of walking.The road was rocky and there were small hills all around. The man was just humming to himself and enjoying the nice day when suddenly a group of men jumped out from behind a hill. They took all his belongings and tore off most of his clothes. They didn’t want him to follow them so they beat him up very badly, and left him lying and bleeding on the side of the road. A few minutes later, a priest was walking down the same path and noticed the man lying on the side of the road. But he crossed the road and walked on the other side and acted like he didn’t see the man. About an hour or so later, another man, called a Levite, was walking down the road.  Levites were people who assisted priests with their work. He slowed down and walked a little closer to the man, but then kept walking without helping him at all. Just a few minutes later, another man came walking. He was a Samaritan.  But as soon as he saw the man, he went over to him and felt compassion for him.  He put bandages on his sores and poured oil and wine (which were quite expensive) on the sores to prevent them from getting worse.  Then he lifted the man on his own donkey and took him to a hotel to take care of him. After Jesus finished the story, he asked, “Which of the three men do you think was a neighbour to the man who was left beaten on the side of the road?” The man who asked him the question at the beginning replied, “The one who had compassion and helped him.” Jesus told him, “Go and do the same.”

The story of the good Samaritan demonstrates that friendship is defined by love and compassion, not race. This handprint craft will encourage us to think of ways we can lend a helping hand to our neighbours.

The Good Samaritan2021-10-01T13:49:12+01:00

Offering Our Song of Praise to God

Messy Science – Water Making Music

Equipment needed

Jars (at least three or four of the same or a similar size); water; spoons; food colouring in a few different colours if you have it
Fill each jar with a different amount of cold water and make each a different colour with the food colouring. Gently tap each jar with a metal or wooden spoon and listen to the different sounds.

Big thinking

Why do the different jars make different sounds? The sounds you hear are caused by sound waves, which are themselves caused by the glass vibrating as you hit it. The frequency of sound depends on how fast the glass is vibrating. When a glass contains more water, the vibration is slower and the pitch is lower. Conversely, when the glass contains less water, the vibration is faster and the pitch is higher. If you’re feeling particularly musical, try to work out how to fill the jars to create a musical scale or even a tune. The more jars you use, the more possibilities there are!

You could do this experiment a slightly different way with some plastic water bottles with different amounts of water in. Rather than hitting the bottles, blow over the top of them. Now what do you hear? Which has the highest and lowest pitch? It should be the opposite of what you found when you hit the jars. This is because in this case, it is the vibration of the air in the bottle and not the actual bottle that causes the sound you hear. In the bottle with only a little water in, there is a longer air column and the sound waves in the air vibrate slower so that the pitch of the note is slower. With a lot of water and little air, the sound waves in the air vibrate faster and the pitch is higher.

Big questions

The person who wrote one of the Psalms said, ‘Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!’ (Psalm 150:6). Sometimes we can praise God through words, but what do you think it means to praise God without words? Do non-humans praise God, do you think? Do trees and rivers? Do animals? How would you praise God silently? Is it possible?

Offering Our Song of Praise to God2021-10-01T13:50:15+01:00