For God loved the world so much that he gave his only son, so that everyone who believes in him may not die but have eternal life.

John 3:16 GNT

Gracious God, the cross in the photo was left at the door of church and is now displayed in one of the windows.

As we look more closely, we see the cross is formed of many pieces of paper,  carefully and beautifully folded, wrapped around each other, each one unique, but contained and held within the arms of the cross, forming part of the whole, each piece has its place in the picture.

We reflect on God’s love  …..

The picture reminds us that Jesus knows all of us completely, all our ins and outs, our twists and turns. He loves us and accepts us just as we are.

It reminds us that, on the cross Jesus gave his life for each and every person. He paid the price for all the wrongs, hurts, suffering and pain of this world, past present and future.

It reminds us that through the Resurrection we have new life. When we turn to Jesus our Saviour we are promised forgiveness, eternal life and a new beginning.  We can find healing, purpose, joy, peace and hope in his everlasting love and presence with us.

It shows us that we are all united in Jesus, we all matter, we are all part of his body, his family of believers, continuing his work of sharing his love, serving and telling others about him.

Gracious God, thank you for the gift of the cross left at the door of church. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the wonderful gift of Jesus our Saviour.

Gracious God, may your Holy Spirit draw us closer to you and help us to appreciate more fully the wonderful and free gift of life and love in Jesus. We pray that all who are searching or questioning will find the assurance of your love in Jesus and their place in your family of believers. Amen

Ruth Rushworth