Let all that I am praise the Lord; with my whole heart I will praise his holy name.

Ps 103:1 NLT

I praise the Lord for his wonderful love
A love that lasts beyond a lifetime
A gift from heaven above
A love that embraces, forgives and sets free,
A love full of mercy that ends enmity.

A love that restores, renews and transforms,
A love that strengthens, softens and warms.
A love that reveals God’s plans for our lives,
A love that leads, a love that guides.
A love that unites and draws us near,
A love that extinguishes darkness and fear.

A love that is merciful, gracious and kind,
A love that will never turn us away, nor leave us behind.
A love of compassion to aid and care for,
The poor, the sick, the downhearted and sorrowful.

A love of justice, of truth and right,
To work for good with all of our might.
A love that promises hope, joy and peace,
And the assurance of eternal life through Our Lord, Christ Jesus.

Loving God, we praise You for wonderful love in Jesus.  As we spend time with You and reflect, we ask You to speak into our hearts by your Spirit. Amen

Ruth Rushworth