The punishment that brought us peace was on him and by his wounds we are healed.
Isaiah 53:5 NIV
Gracious God, as we look at the picture of three crosses, we remember that two criminals were crucified alongside Jesus. One mocked Jesus, but the other turned to Him and asked to be remembered in His kingdom. Jesus answered him “Truly I tell you, this day you will be with me in paradise” (Luke:23:43).
Gracious God we praise and thank you that your word and your truth assure us that we are forgiven. May to know and embrace this truth in our heart and mind. Help us to extend to others the mercy and forgiveness we have in you, for Jesus sake. Amen.
Jesus, Lord, my God and King
Praise and worship to you I bring,
I am loved and held secure
In your arms for evermore.
Ruth Rushworth
Everything that’s good
comes from God alone.
Without His gifts and acts of love
we might become like stone.
But when we see and realise
good gifts and actions too
Come from a never changing God,
and not out of the blue,
Then we are challenged from within
to emulate His love,
To leave the shadows,
do good works and serve.
Unlike things created,
God will never alter.
He goes on giving perfect gifts.
His love will never falter.
Margaret Langdon 2020