(Jesus said) “I am the gate. Whoever enters by me will be saved, and will come in and go out and find new pasture. I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.”
John 10: 9-10 NRSV
Emmanuel, God with us, as we sit, we invite you to sit with us. We praise you for Jesus who came into our broken world, and through his sacrifice on the cross flung open the gates of heaven to all who call on his name. We praise you that Jesus is here in our midst and loves and accepts us just as we are. We reflect on these familiar, yet awesome words of truth and love and we praise you.
We thank you for your eternal love that transforms us and sends us out to pray, act and share your love with a hurting world. Thank you that we do not face this task alone, but we are part of a community, a family of believers in Jesus. Thank you that you send your Holy Spirit to guide us, that we might pray and work, not on our own, but through your might, your power and your strength.
Emmanuel, God with us, we praise you, we worship you, we thank you for your wondrous love for all people.
Ruth Rushworth