ohn 17:21 NLT
Jesus prayed “…that they will all be one…just as you and I are one.. so that the world will believe that you sent me.”
Emmanuel, God with us, we thank you for this beautiful banner made with love, care and great skill. We thank You that it is a reminder of Your values of love and friendship, extended to all people. We thank You that You enfold us in Your wrap-around love.
God with us, Jesus prayed that we all may be one, as He is one with You. We thank You and reflect on aspects of Your nature –
U – You are love, wisdom and understanding.
N – You are near to all who call on you.
I – You are immutable – you do not change.
T – You are the way, the truth and the life.
E – Your love is from everlasting to everlasting.
D – Your light overpowers darkness.
Loving God, as Easter approaches, we reflect on Jesus’ journey to the cross and the miracle of his resurrection. Draw your people, Your church on earth, closer to You in unity and strength that we may share the wonderful news of Jesus with a needy and hurting world. Amen.
Ruth Rushworth