Galatians 6:2 New Century Version
‘By helping each other with your troubles, you truly obey the law of Christ’.
Gracious God, as ‘Time to Talk Day’ is marked across our nation today, we lift before You all those in need of someone to talk to, for whatever reason, at this time. We remember those experiencing mental health problems, struggling with day to day living, and pray that they will find the support they need. We remember those who are feeling alone and isolated, remembering especially those who are vulnerable from Covid, for whom engaging with the community is difficult and challenging. Lord God, through the pandemic, we have learnt only too well the importance of conversation with one another. We have learnt the importance of talking about our mental health without judgement or stigma. We give thanks for the work of all mental health charities and healthcare professionals. Help us as societies to put an end to mental health discrimination. Help us to create opportunities for dialogue so that the mental health needs of all people is addressed and finally Lord God, may we each have the courage to seek help when we need it. Give us strength and assurance this day Lord, in Your name we pray, Amen.