(image:R.Rushworth –The 3 Peaks, Dolomites)
Our reflection today was written by Ruth Rushworth – thank you Ruth.
For in all things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us…..For nothing in all creation can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 8:37 & 39 NIV
Mighty God, as we look at this picture we reflect on your majesty, your power, your strength, your greatness and your goodness. We thank you that your hand can be seen in creation. We thank you that you care for us and have a plan for our lives, we thank you that Jesus gave his life for us and the Holy Spirit is with us to comfort and guide us along life’s way. We thank you Lord, for your love; a love that is strong, solid, faithful and true.
As we emerge from this long pandemic and wonder what lies ahead, we place our trust in you. We lift before you those in need of your healing, your strength, your hope, your peace and your comfort. Show us how we can care for and support those around us. Lead us to places and people where we can share your love, bring a smile and hope.
May the light of your love, shine in all our lives and brighten our days. For your love is higher than the highest mountain. Your love for us cannot be shaken nor your peace be removed. May we hold fast to your truth this day. Amen.