Song of Solomon Chapter 2 from ‘The Message’
Look around you: Winter is over;
the winter rains are over, gone!
Spring flowers are in blossom all over.
The whole world’s a choir—and singing!
Spring warblers are filling the forest
with sweet strains.
Lilacs are exuberantly purple and perfumed,
and cherry trees fragrant with blossoms.
Gracious God, as Spring officially begins we thank You for sustaining and supporting us through the long and difficult winter months. Our lives continue to be in a state of flux and for some there are still dark days ahead, yet as we see the beauty of Your creation all around us as Spring bursts into life, we are reminded that You are ever present in our world, that Your life-giving power continues to bring about new life and growth. Living God, give us the courage and the assurance to continue to put our trust in You. As we journey ever closer to Easter Day, may our hearts and minds be filled with the hope that is found in the resurrection of Your Son Jesus Christ, who promises life in all its fulness when we choose to walk with Him. May the power of Your Love sweep through our communities this new day. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.