Nothing in all creation can separate us from God’s love for us in Christ Jesus our Lord!
Romans 8:39 CEV
King of creation,
Glorious Lord,
Came to this earth,
As prophets foretold,
He came to us
humble and weak,
With a message of hope,
To all he should meet.
He came to forgive,
To heal and restore,
To speak of heaven,
And a future assured.
He told us of
a perfect place,
Secured for us,
Through mercy and grace.
He said the way
Is to follow him,
The way of life,
And love within.
But they beat him up,
And raised him high,
Rejected and outcast,
Left, on a cross to die.
Jesus gave his life on Calvary.
Took our sins in his body,
Nailed to a tree.
An act of love,
for all eternity.
We know that death
Was not the end,
God raised him to life,
Jesus, our Saviour and friend.
Jesus now reigns
In heaven above,
At God’s right hand,
Interceding for us.
We praise you, Jesus,
Christ our King,
With our life and love,
Our everything.
Gracious God, as we enter Advent, the time when we prepare ourselves to welcome Jesus on Christmas day, we take a moment to reflect on the love of Jesus for each one of us.
Thank you that nothing, nothing in all creation can separate us from your everlasting love.
May we find practical and prayerful ways to share our faith, that others may know the love, joy, peace and hope of Jesus this Christmas. Amen.
Ruth Rushworth