May the God of peace equip you with everything good to do his will.
Hebrews 13:20-21 NIV

To you o Lord we lift our gaze.
To you o Lord we sing our praise.

You lead us gently forward,
Into your precious light,
To a place you have prepared for us,
For when the timing is perfect and right.

You bring us to a place,
Beyond our hopes and dreams,
A place of love and service,
Of peace, not of natural means.

You provide us with all we need,
blessings, gifts and skills,
Perfectly suited to each one of us,
To our hearts, our minds, our wills

You equip us so completely,
With all that we require,
As we step out we need not fear,
For Jesus is our rock, our strength, our tower.

Whenever you may call us,
Wherever you may lead,
By your grace may we follow,
In thought and word and deed.

To you O Lord we lift our gaze.
To you o Lord we sing our praise.

Gracious God, we praise you for and reflect on your guidance and provision in our lives. We thank you that you have brought us safely to this new day.  
May our lives be an open canvas for you to paint your words of love. May we be sensitive to and follow the nudging of your Holy Spirit in all things, big and small, that the love Jesus has for each of us be known and shared in our lives. Amen

Ruth Rushworth