The Lord is my God! I will praise him and tell him how thankful I am.
Ps 118:28 CEV
Gracious God, as we reflect with You, we praise You and thank you for Jesus, our Good Shepherd:
* the shepherd who searches for every one lost sheep;
* the shepherd who says my sheep know me, they hear my voice and follow me;
* the shepherd who gave his life for us only to take it up again after 3 days;
* the shepherd who has prepared a place for each of us in our eternal heavenly home.
Loving God, we thank you for Jesus our good shepherd, who knows each of us by name and freely gave his life for us. Help us to listen out for and follow his guiding, assuring voice. May we reflect Jesus in the way we care for and treat others, so that all may know his gracious love. We pray in his loving name. Amen.
Ruth Rushworth