Gracious God, we come to You this day. We take a moment to relax our bodies and quieten our minds, to be still before You, to breath in your peace, to praise You. Loving God, we come to You……
To the throne of love and mercy,
To the seat of grace and peace,
To the arms of Jesus our Saviour,
To the heart of forgiveness.
To the love long awaiting,
That beckons, calls and draws us close,
To the source, the centre, the very being,
The breath, the life and Spirit of God.
To the heart of God, forever beating,
To the grace of Jesus, always redeeming,
To the breath of the Spirit, endlessly leading,
To the peace that knows no ending.
Gracious God, You are our God and we praise You…… We thank You and reflect on your presence, love and blessings throughout our lives……. May we take the grace and peace of Jesus to others today. Amen.
Ruth Rushworth