For God loved the world so much that he gave his only son, so that everyone who believes in him will not die but have eternal life.
John 3:16 GNT
I simply come,
Just as I am.
Accept me dear Lord,
My sacrificial lamb.
You paid the great price,
I was bought a cost,
The life of Jesus,
Surrendered for the lost
A life given freely,
Out of love for me.
A life given gladly,
To set me free.
A life given lovingly,
To welcome me home.
A life given tenderly,
My saviour, my own.
Loving mercy sets me free,
Compassionate love longs for me,
Holy love calls me close,
Gracious love in thee I trust.
God of mercy and grace, we praise you for Jesus. We thank you, that despite how things may have seemed to the disciples, Good Friday was not the end of the story, but the day that Jesus defeated death on the cross – for all us and paved the way for his glorious resurrection on Easter Sunday.
We praise you that you are a loving and compassionate God, who suffered for us beyond our imaginings. You understand our deepest needs and longings. You meet with us in the depths of our need, you carry our burdens and you lift us up.
Gracious God, as we reflect on the love of Jesus would you hold us in your loving arms and draw us close. May the good news of our salvation keep us in the love of Jesus, both now and forever. Amen.
Ruth Rushworth