Jesus said ” I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness but have the light of life.”
John 8:12 ESV
Gracious God
Living flame
Illuminating darkness
Healing pain
Breaking through
In glorious light
Eternal love
Power and might.
Loving God, creator of all, we praise you. You were there in the beginning, are with us now and will be forever. Your gracious love calls out to us, offering life in all it’s fullness; your presence guides us through days of confusion, enlightens us in days of darkness, comforts us in days of sorrow, strengthens us in days of weakness, rejoices with us in days of gladness and blesses us all our days.
We praise you for Jesus and thank you for everything he endured for us. Thank you that you meet us in our difficulties and help us through them. We take time to reflect on the light of your love and to breathe in the peace, calm and strength of your Holy Spirit…..
Gracious God may your Holy Spirit beckon us to follow you, enable us to see with your eyes, to understand with your mind and to respond with your voice, for the sake of Jesus, our risen Saviour and light of the world. Amen.
Ruth Rushworth