Our services
Together as a church family we are striving
to love God and all peoples.
Our vision is to see lives, relationships and communities
transformed by the Love of God in Jesus Christ.
We have a weekly Sunday Service starting at 11am, for about 1 hour.
Our ministers are Rev. Sue Guénault and Rev. Michael Tindsley.
Services are led by our Ministers, Local Preachers or the Leadership Team.
Our services can be viewed live, or at any time after the service at your convenience on our web site. Click on Worship and Live Stream or on Services to see previous services.
Our preaching rota is here on the web site.
What to expect at our services
The service is usually a mixture of hymns, readings and a talk.
Generally we stand to sing but if you prefer to sit that’s fine. Words to the hymns are displayed on screens but large print hymn books are available.
There is a loop system for those with hearing aids. There is an accessible toilet in the foyer.
Holy Communion
We celebrate Holy Communion once a month, when we share in bread and wine and remember the death and resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ. All are welcome to share in this service. If you are unable to get to Church and would like Holy Communion at home, please contact our Ministers.
We do not pass around a collection plate but if you would like to give something this can be placed in the white boxes at the foyer. All donations go towards funding the daily running of the Church and supporting events for the local community. After our Holy Communion services there is an additional Benevolent collection to support those in financial crisis.
There is no obligation to donate to our collections.
We understand that God made children great at wiggling, making a noise and asking great questions. Therefore we are relaxed about children moving around and making noise in the service, there is no need to do the ‘shush’. You are welcome in all the joy and chaos that life with children brings.
We have a selection of books, puzzles and colouring available.
We have a monthly family service. On other Sundays, children are invited to attend our Searchers Sunday club, to participate in craft and listen to a story. You are welcome to go to Searchers with your child, or if you prefer to stay in church with your child that’s fine.
All our helpers are DBS checked.
We have a toilet situated in the foyer with a baby changing area
We have tea/coffee and biscuits after the service in the Langham Hall, which gives you an opportunity to meet others and ask any questions.
Activities at Emmanuel
We have a variety of activities and social meetings. There is something for all. You’ll find them all here on the web site.
Everyone is welcome to join in our worship, and any of our activities.