Prayer & Reflections2020-05-05T11:20:42+01:00

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Remind me each morning of your constant love, for I put my trust in You. My prayers go up to You; show me the way I should go.

Ps 143:8 GNT

In the sparkle and the glitter
In the tinsel and the clutter
Jesus is here

In the calm in the panic
In the busy and the quiet 
Jesus is here

In the streets and the shops 
In the valleys and mountain tops 
Jesus is here

In the workplace and in homes
In hospitals and schools
Jesus is here

In the darkness of the night 
And in the brightness of the day
Jesus is here

In my heart and in my mind 
In my life and at my side 
Jesus is here 

Jesus, You are always with us, your love is all around us.  At this time of year when stress may build up and life can be challenging in so many different ways, we take a step back, to collect our thoughts and to  ground ourselves in your unfailing love…..

Gracious God, we thank You for your grace in Jesus and the leading of your Holy Spirit.
We come to you with open hearts and hands to receive your wonderful and timeless gifts of love and grace. Open our eyes to the needs of those around us and lead us in ways of love, kindness and compassion that all may know “Jesus is here.” Amen

Ruth Rushworth

Nothing in all creation can separate us from God’s love for us in Christ Jesus our Lord!
Romans 8:39 CEV

King of creation,
Glorious Lord,
Came to this earth,
As prophets foretold,

He came to us
humble and weak,
With a message of hope,
To all he should meet.

He came to forgive,
To heal and restore,
To speak of heaven,
And a future assured.

He told us of
a perfect place,
Secured for us,
Through mercy and grace.

He said the way
Is to follow him,
The way of life,
And love within.

But they beat him up,
And raised him high,
Rejected and outcast,
Left, on a cross to die.

Jesus gave his life on Calvary.
Took our sins in his body,
Nailed to a tree.
An act of love,
for all eternity.

We know that death
Was not the end,
God raised him to life,
Jesus, our Saviour and friend.

Jesus now reigns
In heaven above,
At God’s right hand,
Interceding for us.

We praise you, Jesus,
Christ our King,
With our life and love,
Our everything.

Gracious God, as we enter Advent, the time when we prepare ourselves to welcome Jesus on Christmas day, we take a moment to reflect on the love of Jesus for each one of us.

Thank you that nothing, nothing in all creation can separate us from your everlasting love.
May we find practical and prayerful ways to share our faith, that others may know the love, joy, peace and hope of Jesus this Christmas. Amen.

Ruth Rushworth

… The Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control…. 

Gal 5: 22-23 NLT

Loving God, Jesus asks us to go out and bear fruit; fruit that doesn’t perish, fruit that make a difference in other people’s lives, fruit that brings hope and the good news of Jesus. *

Thank You gracious God that You work for good in and through our lives. Help us to stay close to Jesus, to reach out and extend his love in our world. Amen

Ruth Rushworth

* John 15

God’s love has been poured out into our hearts by the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.

Romans 5:5 NIV

Holy Spirit
living flame
Burning brightly
Never to wane

Fanning the flames
Of perpetual love
Burning for justice
Working for good

Renewing hearts
Minds and lives
With the love of God.
in Jesus Christ

Holy Spirit
Burning bright
Transforming the world
with Love and light

Gracious God, your love and faithfulness encircle and shine throughout our world. May the love of Jesus bring hope, light, life and peace to all our lives through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Gracious God as we look at the lighted candles and reflect on the power of your love, we pray for the people, places and situations on our hearts. May the light of your love shine ever brighter in our world. Amen

Ruth Rushworth

Jesus said ” I am leaving you with a gift – peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.”

John 14:27 NLT

Peace in the busyness
Peace in the stillness
Peace in the noise
Peace in the silence
Peace on the coast
Peace on the land
Peace in Jesus
Peace, held in his hand.

Peace in our comings
Peace in our goings
Peace always
Peace ever near
Peace in the presence
Of God drawn near.

Gracious God, we thank you for the peace we can know in your presence. Thank you for the peace of Jesus.

As we look at the picture of the artwork ‘Forget-Me-Nots’ we take a moment to reflect on the peace of God …. We pray your words of peace over the people, places and situations you have placed on our hearts.

Help us to consider how we might spread your peace in our world, in our communities and in our families with listening, with understanding, with kindness, with love and with action.  Help us to spread your peace and harmony in nature in the way we treat and care for our environment.

God of peace, may the peace of Jesus be with us. Amen

Ruth Rushworth

Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.  I will say of the Lord ‘He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust.’

Ps 91: 1-2 NIV

We rest in your shelter,
We sit at your feet,
Protected by your shadow,
Made complete.

Secure in the presence,
Of your faithful love,
Bound by your peace,
By your sweet grace above.

Our refuge and fortress,
Our shield and strength,
An ever present help,
Our daily defence

In every battle we fight,
in every challenge we face,
you are there alongside us,
God of mercy and grace.

Gracious God, We take time to relax our bodies, quieten our minds and to sit with you, in the shelter of your presence.  We reflect on your words of assurance, protection and love in this psalm….

God of mercy and grace, you meet us in our need in the saving love of Jesus.  Help us to place our trust in You.  We pray for anyone facing difficulties of any kind, that your love would cast out fear. We pray for the assurance and shelter of your presence, the guiding hand and strength of your Spirit and the peace of Jesus, in whose name we pray. Amen

Based on thoughts around Psalm 91

Ruth Rushworth

You will seek me, and you will find me because you will seek me with all your heart.

Jer 29:13 GNT

Loving God,
King of kings,
Lord of life,
What joy he brings.

He gave his life,
That we might live,
In love and purpose,
Our wills aligned to his.

Forgiveness and healing,
Are in his open palms,
Peace and joy,
In his outstretched arms.

To all who search,
To all who seek,
In the love of Jesus,
We are made complete.

Loving God, we reflect on your love in Jesus. When we seek You we will find You, for is You who calls out to us; it is You who seeks us out and leads us to Jesus.

Loving God, thank you for heart of love. May we respond to your call and seek afresh the open, outstretched arms of Jesus who welcomes all.  We pray for any person, situation or place you have placed on our hearts today. Amen.

Ruth Rushworth

God’s love has been poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.

Romans 5:5

Love is the answer
To our ups and downs
Love brings a smile
It replaces a frown

Love is the antidote
To anxiety and stress
Love thinks and acts
In the way that is best

Love brings healing
Mercy and grace
Hope and peace
Through our Saviour, Jesus

Loving God, you love us totally, utterly and completely. Dear Lord, help this wonderful truth to sink into our hearts and minds. We are loved by You. There is nothing more powerful than your love in Jesus. Loving God, transform lives with your love by the power of your Spirit.

We pray for your blessings on anyone in need in of the strength, peace and reassurance of your boundless love. Loving God, we come to you with open hands and hearts, may we be channels of your gracious love, for Jesus sake. Thank you for love. Amen.

Ruth Rushworth

There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens. He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men.
Ecc 3:1&11 NIV

Creator God, we thank you for the beauty of the changing seasons and the vibrant colours of autumn.  Thank you for your love and goodness displayed in nature.  We take a moment to quieten our minds as we reflect and spend this time with You….

Loving God, we are not alone, You are here with us every day, in every season of our lives, by your Spirit.  Thank you that whatever we face today, we face it in the knowledge of your love in Jesus. Thank you that, however we feel, we have the assurance of your eternal love.

Gracious God, your grace is sufficient for us,*  may we use our time and the gifts you have given us in this season of our lives for your good and your glory.  Bless us with your grace to live this day conscious of your presence with us, and in a way that reflects your love for all.  We offer You our prayers in the name of Jesus our Saviour.  Amen

Ruth Rushworth

* 2 Cor 12:19 NIV

These 3 remain: faith, hope and love and the greatest of these is love.

1 Cor 13:13 GNT

Gracious God, may the love of Jesus be the bedrock, the pillar of faith and the strength and joy in our lives. 
“Love is patient and kind; it is not jealous or conceited or proud; love is not ill-mannered or selfish or irritable; love does not keep keep a record of wrongs; love is not happy with evil but is happy with the truth; love never gives up; and it’s faith hope and patience never fail. Love is eternal.”
1 Cor 13: 4-8 GNT

Gracious God, thank you for the beautiful gift of love.  As we take time to reflect in your loving presence, increase the qualities of your perfect love in our lives, that love may be deepened, increased and shared among us, for Jesus sake. Amen. 
Ruth Rushworth

…. Let the Holy Spirit guide your lives ….

Gal 5:16 NLT

Holy Spirit
Inspire our prayers
Bring your words
To our listening ears

Inflame our hearts
With love and purpose
To care and serve
In the name of Jesus

Gracious God, we come to You. Help us to still our minds, put aside any anxieties and focus on You. We breathe in the peace of your presence and release any tension as we breathe out ….
You are the Lord our God who made us. We are precious to you and your love for us is unconditional.  We praise you.  Help us to open our hearts to anything you wish to say to us ….

Gracious God, thank you that you have a purpose for us each and every day, in the routine and ordinary, as well as the new and challenging.  Each day is a gift from you.  As we step out today, may we step out knowing You are with us.  May we be sensitive to your voice and the needs of others.  May we take the opportunities we have to show your kindness in our world through our prayers, words and actions. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

“Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken, nor my covenant of peace be removed says the Lord, who has compassion on you.”
Is 54:10 NIV

Dear God, whatever we face in this life, whenever we feel shaken, your word assures us time and time again that your love that is unbreakable and your peace cannot be shattered.

Jesus said “my peace be with you…. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” * Gracious God, we pray for all who are troubled or afraid. We pray for the blessing and assurance of your peace. Amen.

* John 14:27 NIV