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Jesus told him “…Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”
John 20:29 NIV
Loving God, we reflect – as Thomas encountered the risen Jesus he exclaimed “my Lord and my God.” Jesus replied “because you have seen me you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen yet have believed.”
Loving God, thank you that we can come to You, openly and honestly with our doubts and our questions. We cannot hide them from You, for You know them already. We take a moment to speak with You now about anything on our hearts…..
Loving, living God, You are our true hope, our joy, the One who brings meaning, purpose and peace. You lead us out of darkness into your marvellous light* and we praise You. Bless and increase our faith. Grant us peace, wisdom and understanding. May we trust You with any questions that have not yet been answered. May your Holy Spirit reveal Jesus afresh to us, so that we too may exclaim “my Lord and my God.”
Ruth Rushworth
*1 Peter 2:9 NIV
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“…I have called you by name, you are mine..”
Isaiah 43:1 NIV
In the garden
The tomb was bare,
Flowers were budding,
Blossom everywhere.
Where has he gone?
Can he be found?
The tomb is empty,
Is Jesus around?
Where are you Lord?
I call out your name.
I listen, I look
In every cranny and nook.
I turn and see, before my eyes
The Son of God, what a surprise!
Calling my name, loud and clear,
………, my precious child, I am here.
God of amazing grace,
You know me by name – yes, me!
You love me – yes, me!
God of amazing grace, we praise You and reflect on the power of your love; the love that resurrected Jesus from the darkness of the tomb and gave life.
On that first Easter morning Mary Magdalene, after witnessing Jesus give his life on the cross on Good Friday, heard the risen Jesus call out her name….. We praise you and thank you, God of amazing grace, that You know us and call to us by name……
As we turn to You, we thank You that You are alongside us in the garden of our lives. As we consider our response to your call, refresh our hearts and minds with the assurance of your living, loving presence with us. May the beauty and colour of springtime remind us of your love, and may we tell others of this love, for Jesus’ sake. Amen.
Ruth Rushworth
…Perfect love drives out fear …
1 John 4:18 NIV
Through the heart of love
We are cherished
We are led.
Through the mind of love
We are nourished
We are fed.
Through the gaze of love
We are seen
We are known.
Loved and accepted
Brought safely home.
Gracious God, we praise you for the resurrection of Jesus on Easter morning and the new and everlasting life we have through him!
We thank you that we have a true and eternal home, a rich inheritance in heaven; one that will never fade, spoil or perish, kept in heaven for us, until you call us home. Thank you that there are many rooms in your heavenly home, a place for each and every one of us, secured by the life, death and resurrection of Jesus our Saviour.
Therefore, we need not fear.
Loving God, we praise you and thank you for your perfect, all-embracing love. No person or situation is beyond the reach of your amazing grace. May we turn to Jesus in trust and faith to receive all you offer us in our lives today, out of the boundless riches of your goodness and love. Amen.
Ruth Rushworth
See :-
John 11:25
1 Peter 1:4
John 14:2
For God loved the world so much that he gave his only son, so that everyone who believes in him will not die but have eternal life.
John 3:16 GNT
I simply come,
Just as I am.
Accept me dear Lord,
My sacrificial lamb.
You paid the great price,
I was bought a cost,
The life of Jesus,
Surrendered for the lost
A life given freely,
Out of love for me.
A life given gladly,
To set me free.
A life given lovingly,
To welcome me home.
A life given tenderly,
My saviour, my own.
Loving mercy sets me free,
Compassionate love longs for me,
Holy love calls me close,
Gracious love in thee I trust.
God of mercy and grace, we praise you for Jesus. We thank you, that despite how things may have seemed to the disciples, Good Friday was not the end of the story, but the day that Jesus defeated death on the cross – for all us and paved the way for his glorious resurrection on Easter Sunday.
We praise you that you are a loving and compassionate God, who suffered for us beyond our imaginings. You understand our deepest needs and longings. You meet with us in the depths of our need, you carry our burdens and you lift us up.
Gracious God, as we reflect on the love of Jesus would you hold us in your loving arms and draw us close. May the good news of our salvation keep us in the love of Jesus, both now and forever. Amen.
Ruth Rushworth
Jesus said ” Come to me all who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.”
Matt 11:28 NIV
God is my dwelling place
When storms of life I face
I will not fear
His presence is near
My rock, my saving grace.
God is my dwelling place
In the good times and bad
He lifts me up
And fills my cup
I will rejoice and be glad.
God is my dwelling place
Both now and every day
Jesus is near
My Saviour dear
Full of love and grace.
Gracious God, we praise you that this special dwelling place is in and through the person of Jesus. Thank you that you offer a place of nourishment, a place of security, a place of peace, a place of strength, a place of hope, and a place of transformation.
Indwelling God, draw us closer to you as we pray, and consider the truth of the words and teachings of Jesus. May we fix our gaze on Jesus and may we trust in your abiding love to guide and see us through every situation.
Loving God, we pray for all those carrying heavy physical, emotional or spiritual burdens that they may find a safe dwelling and rest in Jesus……
Transforming God, thank you that we are your voice, your hands and your feet in this world. Bless us with the desire, the will and the grace to live our lives in the way you intend, so that others may know the transforming love of Jesus in their lives. Amen.
Ruth Rushworth
Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life.
Ps 23:6 NIV
The words are simple,
Their meaning deep,
They speak of life,
To all who seek,
To all who search
For meaning
And hope,
To be loved,
To be cherished,
To bear a light yoke.
The words are simple,
The words are true,
The creator of the world,
Loves and gave his life for you.
The words are simple,
To all they speak
To those who are rejected,
Spurned or weak,
To those who bear
a heavy load,
with cares, new and old,
To all to long to see the face,
Of our Saviour, Jesus
full of mercy and grace.
Gracious God, as we enter Holy week, we reflect on the last week of Jesus’ human life. He was initially welcomed in Jerusalem, then rejected, abandoned, mocked, cruelly tortured and left to die on the cross.
He knew all that would happen to him, yet kept focused on the will of God and his clear purpose on this earth. He remained the servant of all and prayed, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing”. (Luke 23:24 NIV).
Loving God, we praise you from the bottom of our heart, for Jesus, our good shepherd, our servant king, our Saviour who loves us so much that he willing sacrificed his life for us……we turn to him now and we offer you our thanks and the prayers of our hearts, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Ruth Rushworth
Jesus said ” I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness but have the light of life.”
John 8:12 ESV
Gracious God
Living flame
Illuminating darkness
Healing pain
Breaking through
In glorious light
Eternal love
Power and might.
Loving God, creator of all, we praise you. You were there in the beginning, are with us now and will be forever. Your gracious love calls out to us, offering life in all it’s fullness; your presence guides us through days of confusion, enlightens us in days of darkness, comforts us in days of sorrow, strengthens us in days of weakness, rejoices with us in days of gladness and blesses us all our days.
We praise you for Jesus and thank you for everything he endured for us. Thank you that you meet us in our difficulties and help us through them. We take time to reflect on the light of your love and to breathe in the peace, calm and strength of your Holy Spirit…..
Gracious God may your Holy Spirit beckon us to follow you, enable us to see with your eyes, to understand with your mind and to respond with your voice, for the sake of Jesus, our risen Saviour and light of the world. Amen.
Ruth Rushworth
Search me O God and know my heart…..and lead me in the way everlasting.
Psalm 139 23-24 NIV
Capture my heart O God,
That I might rest in your presence,
Where time and place fade
under the gentle whisperings
of divine love,
That my heart might overflow
with adoration, praise and thankfulness,
for goodness, compassion and mercy.
Loving God, we come to You, in the name of Jesus, our Maker, our Saviour, our friend. In the quietness of this moment touch our hearts and renew our minds…..Amen.
“Be still and know that I am God.”
Ps 46:10 NIV
“You are precious and honoured in my sight … and I love you.”
Isaiah 43:4 NIV
Ruth Rushworth
Sing to the Lord, all the earth! Tell of his salvation from day to day.
1 Chronicles 16:23 ESV
May we allow your gentle hand
To lead us safely through
Times of change,
New seasons
And fresh chapters,
Trusting completely in You.
Grant us space for gifts to bloom,
For dreams to pave the way,
For the love of Jesus, our Saviour
To be displayed in our lives every day.
May we open up our hearts,
To follow your perfect ways,
To receive the love of Jesus,
And praise you all our days.
Creator God, we join with creation and praise you. We thank you for the change in seasons, as the bulbs, dormant underground during winter, continue to burst forth into new and colourful life, heralding the arrival of spring.
Gracious God, we thank you that you always work for good. In this new season, may you bring forth what is pleasing to you in our lives. If there is an idea, a dream, a hope, or a gift planted within us may it grow and bloom, in line with your will.
Loving God, as Lent continues, we prepare for and look forward to the celebration of Easter, when Jesus defeated death and rose from the tomb, offering us new and everlasting life. We pray that all may know the hope and gracious love of Jesus in this season of their lives. We pray for anyone you have placed on our hearts today.
Ruth Rushworth
Where 2 or 3 are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.
Matt: 18:20 NKJV
Gracious God, as we look at the photo and consider the verse, we offer you the prayers of our heart….
Clustered together,
Nestled close,
Protected, secure,
A radiant host.
Vibrant colours,
Responding to the light,
Growing upwards,
Shining bright.
Petals open,
Life displayed,
Vulnerable, yet strong,
In beauty arrayed.
Gracious God, we praise you. We thank you for your goodness and love, displayed in the beauty of nature around us. We thank you for family and friends. We thank you for all those people in our lives who have prayed, encouraged or supported us in our journey through life. We thank you for words of wisdom, fun and laughter, shared tears, and the gentle skill of simply listening. Thank you that when we come together in your name, you are right there with us. We pray for anyone, known or unknown to us, who is in need of a friend today, that someone might draw alongside them.
As we come together, may we be part of an ever-growing, caring and sharing community of followers of Jesus. Amen.
Ruth Rushworth
Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:5 NIVUK
Gracious God, we that you for these words of reassurance spoken to Joshua as he faced the task of leading the people out of the desert into the promised land.
We reflect that at the start of his ministry, Jesus went out into the wilderness. For 40 days and 40 nights he faced trials and temptations, he had no food and he was alone. He was armed only with the Word of God.
Gracious God, we pray for anyone who is in the wilderness, either physically, emotionally or spiritually, or experiencing difficult times. We pray they would know the comfort and strength of Your presence and receive help, support and healing.
Encourage us, loving God, to spend time with You, to pray, read, listen and talk about You. May we know You better, and follow the example of Jesus more closely, as You lead each of us in our daily lives. Whatever we face this day, may your Holy Spirit reassure us that You are with us wherever we go. Amen
Ruth Rushworth
‘Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart’.
Proverbs 3:3 NIV
Gracious God, we praise you and thank you for your love and faithfulness, shown to us in Jesus. We thank you for those who have shown us your love in different ways.
As we go about our day, may we have hearts of thankfulness for the beauty and love around us, from the tiniest snowdrop or crocus, to a helping hand, an act of generosity, a listening ear, a wise word or a timely prayer. Stay close to us and help us to consider how we can be true to you and display your faithful love today. Thank you dear Lord. Amen.
Ruth Rushworth