Prayer & Reflections2020-05-05T11:20:42+01:00

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Sing a song to the Lord all the earth … For great is the Lord and most worthy to be praised. … splendour and majesty are before him; strength and joy in his dwelling place … Give thanks to the Lord for he is good; his love endures forever

1 Chron 16: 23/25/27/34 NIV

Songs of grace are sweet,
Turn heads, attract attention;
Songs of grace penetrate,
people stop to listen;
Songs of grace echo,
Along corridors walls and halls;
Songs of grace linger,
In street corners, alleyways and doors;

Songs of grace shine,
through the darkness and the gloom;
Songs of grace lighten,
The atmosphere in a room;
Songs of grace perfume,
The very air we breath;
Songs of grace relieve,
Burdens, stress and ill-ease;

Songs of grace welcome,
Invite us to belong;
Songs of grace forgive,
Hurts, pains and wrongs;
Songs of grace comfort,
Those who mourn and are sad;
Songs of grace rejoice,
With those who are glad;

Songs of grace are merciful,
Generous, loving and kind;
Songs of grace transform,
our heart, our soul, our mind.

Loving God, sing your songs of grace over us, that we may sing your songs of grace; your songs of acceptance, your songs of encouragement, your songs of forgiveness,  your songs of peace, your songs of the love of Jesus to each other.  May we sing them at home, in the workplace, in schools, in hospitals, in the shops, on the bus, on the streets and in every situation.

Loving God, may the eternal song of the grace, of Jesus our Saviour be sung and heard throughout our troubled world. Amen.

Ruth Rushworth

Image: MP McKellar – used with permission

He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake.

Ps 23:3 NIV

Gracious God, we come with thankfulness for your never-ending love.  At difficult times, when we don’t know which way to turn, or when we look at the sadness and troubles in our world, we thank you that your Holy Spirit guides us, helps us and prays with us.  We remember and reflect on the words that Jesus spoke:- “I am the way, the truth and the life.” (John 14:6 NIV)

Today, dear Lord, as we pray, we ask you to help us to keep our eyes, our mind and our heart fixed on your love in Jesus.  Refresh us with your Spirit of truth, courage and hope. In your great love and compassion be our rock and strength, and guide our thoughts and feet in ways of your love, justice and peace.

We pray for all those in need of your strength and peace today, that they may find comfort and solace in the love of God. Amen

Ruth Rushworth

The Lord is righteous in all his ways and faithful in all He does.

Ps 145:17 NIV

Your goodness follows me,
all of my days;
I worship You alone,
I give You all my praise;
For You alone are my Lord, my God,
Your love cannot be erased;
You are loving, just and faithful,
In each and every one of your ways.

Faithful God, your love is unchanging; You have loved since before the creation of this world and will continue to love for all eternity.  Thank You that You made us to share in this love with You and with each other. Nothing can take away or add to your love, for your very nature is love.

Loving God, if there are times when we doubt, help us to reflect on the greatest act of love – the sacrifice Jesus made for us on the cross, offering the gift of complete forgiveness and new and eternal life.

Gracious God, may we fix our gaze on Jesus and open our hearts, our minds and our lives to your wonderful love.  May we speak freely of your love and encourage and support each other in our faith.  May your Holy Spirit bring your peace to anyone seeking the assurance of your faithful love.  Amen.

Ruth Rushworth

There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens. He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men.

Ecc 3:1&11 NIV

Creator God, we thank you for the beauty of the changing seasons and the vibrant colours of autumn.  Thank you for your love and goodness displayed in nature.  We take a moment to quieten our minds as we reflect and spend this time with You….

Loving God, we are not alone, You are here with us every day, in every season of our lives, by your Spirit.  Thank you that whatever we face today, we face it in the knowledge of your love in Jesus. Thank you that, however we feel, we have the assurance of your eternal love.

Gracious God, your grace is sufficient for us,*  may we use our time and the gifts you have given us in this season of our lives for your good and your glory.  Bless us with your grace to live this day conscious of your presence with us, and in a way that reflects your love for all.  We offer You our prayers in the name of Jesus our Saviour.  Amen

Ruth Rushworth

* 2 Cor 12:19 NIV

Jesus said “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry. Whoever comes to me will never be thirsty.”

John 6:35 NIV

Saving grace calls
To all who would hear;
Come to me,
Come, draw near.

Listen to my words,
Hear my eternal plea;
I gave my life, my love, my all,
A gift, to set you free.

Accept my loving offer,
Given for you, willingly,
Turn your eyes, open your heart,
And come, simply trusting in me.

Loving God, we come to You in praise, we come to You in thankfulness, we come to You in our joy, we come to You in our struggles, we come to You in our need. We come to You today in the name of Jesus….

Gracious God, your love welcomes and accepts everyone.  Thank you that You accept us, not because of our own merits, but through the love You have for us in Jesus, who gave his life lovingly and willingly on the cross.  Help us to turn to him in faith and trust…

God of provision, thank you that You nourish and sustain us physically and spiritually through Jesus, the source and centre of love. May we be strengthened and rooted in faith,  May we find rest and replenishment in your shade, and may we blossom and bear fruit in your light and love. We pray for anyone seeking the assurance of your provision and may your Spirit bring the peace of Jesus.  Amen.

Ruth Rushworth

Give thanks to the Lord for he is good! His faithful love endures forever!

Ps 136:1 NLT

Gracious God of provision, we praise You for your love and your goodness to us; all that is good comes from You.  We thank You for life and breath, for health, for food, for nature, for our families, our friends, our clothes, our homes, our work, our schools and we reflect with grateful hearts on the many gifts and blessings in our lives….

At this harvest time, we thank You for the food on our tables and for all involved in the production and distribution of food.

We thank You for sun and rain and the climate that allows different crops and vegetation to flourish in our world.

We thank You for the technology that enables food to be grown and distributed more efficiently and effectively.

Gracious God of provision, we pray for those who do not have enough food to eat, or clothes to wear, or a roof over their head; for those struggling with financial issues or health concerns; for those experiencing a failed harvest and climate change; for areas of unrest and devastation…..

We ask your blessing on organisations that seek to relieve suffering.  Help us to give as we are able, of our prayers, our resources and our time, that others may have help in their need. We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Ruth Rushworth

You saw who you created me to be before I became me! .. .. every single moment You are thinking of me! How precious and wonderful to consider that You cherish me constantly in your every thought! O God, your desires toward me are more than the grains of sand on every shore! ……

Ps 139: 16-18 TPT

Summertime comes,
Summertime goes,
All the while your mercy flows,
Waves of renewal,
Awash with peace,
A tide of love,
An assurance of grace.

Loving God, we reflect on the wonderful truth that each one of us is loved and cherished by You, every minute of every day, in every season of every year.

Loving God, as we reflect we thank you for your loving kindness to us.  We pray that we may truly know we are so loved and valued by You.  Renew our minds and soften our hearts. May your healing, restoring love and peace in Jesus wash over us and all those we love and pray for.  Amen

Ruth Rushworth

You saw who you created me to be before I became me! .. .. every single moment You are thinking of me! How precious and wonderful to consider that You cherish me constantly in your every thought! O God, your desires toward me are more than the grains of sand on every shore! ……

Ps 139: 16-18 TPT

Summertime comes,
Summertime goes,
All the while your mercy flows,
Waves of renewal,
Awash with peace,
A tide of love,
An assurance of grace.

Loving God, we reflect on the wonderful truth that each one of us is loved and cherished by You, every minute of every day, in every season of every year.

Loving God, as we reflect we thank you for your loving kindness to us.  We pray that we may truly know we are so loved and valued by You.  Renew our minds and soften our hearts. May your healing, restoring love and peace in Jesus wash over us and all those we love and pray for.  Amen

Jesus said “I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me…..and I lay down my life for my sheep.”

John 10: 14-15

Gracious God we thank you for the words of Jesus, recorded for us in John’s gospel; words of love, goodness, assurance, provision and everlasting care.  Thank you that they bring strength and comfort when we have doubts, worries and fears. As we reflect, may we rest in your love:

The Lord is my shepherd;
I have everything I need.
He lets me rest in fields of green grass
And leads me to quiet pools of fresh water.
He gives me new strength.
He guides me in right paths…
Your shepherd’s rod and staff protect me…
You prepare a banquet for me….
You welcome me as an honoured guest…
I know that your goodness and love will be with me all my life;
And your house will be my home as long as I live.

Extracts from Psalm 23
Good News Translation

Gracious God, may we find ways to share the wonderful love of our Saviour Jesus, who guides and protects us all of our lives and leads us safely home. Amen.

Ruth Rushworth

Lord, through all the generations You have been our home!  Before the mountains were born, before You gave birth to the earth and the world, from beginning to end, You are God.
Ps 90: 1-2 NLT

Gracious God, we still and calm our minds and bodies before You.  As we reflect, we quietly speak your praise, as we breathe in…..and breathe out….

God our Maker,
We praise you….
Jesus our Saviour,
We praise you….
Holy Spirit of breath, of life, of love,
We praise You….

Lord of the skies and seas,
We praise You….
Lord of the fresh, clear air,
We praise You….
Lord of the mountain peaks,
We praise You….
Lord of the rustling grasses,
We praise You….

Gracious God of earth, sea and sky, we praise You. You do not change with circumstances; You always remain the same.  Thank you that we can rely on your steadfast goodness and love all of our days.

Whatever is before us today Lord, may we face it in the strength and knowledge of your steadfast, unfailing love for us and your guiding presence with us.  And may we take your creativity, your grace and your breath of life with us, wherever we are and in all that we do, for Jesus’ sake.  Amen.

Ruth Rushworth

Let all that I am praise the Lord; with my whole heart I will praise his holy name.

Ps 103:1 NLT

I praise the Lord for his wonderful love
A love that lasts beyond a lifetime
A gift from heaven above
A love that embraces, forgives and sets free,
A love full of mercy that ends enmity.

A love that restores, renews and transforms,
A love that strengthens, softens and warms.
A love that reveals God’s plans for our lives,
A love that leads, a love that guides.
A love that unites and draws us near,
A love that extinguishes darkness and fear.

A love that is merciful, gracious and kind,
A love that will never turn us away, nor leave us behind.
A love of compassion to care for and aid,
The poor, the sick, the sorrowful and waylaid.

A love of justice, of truth and right,
To work for good with all of our might.
A love that promises hope, joy and peace,
And the assurance of eternal life through Our Lord, Christ Jesus.

Loving God, we praise You for wonderful love in Jesus.  As we spend time with you and reflect, we ask you to speak into our hearts by your Spirit. Amen

Ruth Rushworth

‘The Lord is near to all who call on him’.
Ps 145:18 NIV

Open my eyes to see You
Unblock my ears to hear You
Strengthen my voice to speak of You
Prepare my hands to work for You
Equip my feet to walk with You
Soften my heart to love as You
Renew my mind to think of You

Gracious God, may the power of your love transform our lives. May we walk through this day in faith and trust in Jesus. And may your Holy Spirit lead us in your ways and will, that we may draw close to you and share your love in our world. Amen

Ruth Rushworth