1 John 4:9 NIV
” This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him”.
Gracious God, as we continue to journey with Mary and Joseph, we think of all those for whom journeying is stressful today. We pray that haulage drivers, currently stranded on the road, will make it home safely for Christmas. So too, we pray for all those who were looking forward to journeying to family for Christmas, but who must now cancel their plans. As Christmas Day approaches Lord God, many people are experiencing disappointment and a sense of loss and so we pray for calm and peace and reassurance in our communities. Lord, we need hope at this time, the hope that gives us an assurance of Your presence with us. May the presence of Your love be felt in our homes and workplaces today, and this Christmas time, may our homes be filled with the message of the birth of the Christ Child who came into our world to bring us hope, peace and love. Amen.