Gracious God, at the start of Advent week 3, as we focus upon Joy, we are reminded of Your great commandment to us, that we must love one another, as You have loved us. Lord God, we know that there are many who will struggle to feel a sense of joy this Christmas for different reasons. We think especially of those who will grieve the loss of loved ones, those who will be in hospital, those who will lack the security of a warm home, those who are anxious for whatever reason. And yet, amidst all this you speak of joy, the joy that comes from an assurance of Your love, and You command us to care for one another, to let Your love be known and experienced in a very real way. And so, as we continue to journey through Advent, help us to remember Your words spoken to us and to reach out, in any way we can, to those in need of Your love this Christmas, and may we experience the reality of that love in our lives, so that we too may feel a sense of joy. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen