Community Groups

Drink Aware

If you know of  anyone who has drink problems and needs help a group meet at Emmanuel (Rear entrance) on Tuesdays at 7.30pm.

Ormskirk Folk Dance Club

The Club was founded in the 1950s and we have been dancing at Emmanuel since the late 1980s I think. We concentrate on traditional English social dancing that includes the Regency period of Jane Austen and “Pride and Prejudice”. Modern choreographers have also constructed a lot of dances using the  beautiful traditional  style and  music,  so we have plenty of material to keep us busy. We all dance with different partners during the club evenings, to make sure that everyone is dancing.

The group will meet on the following dates

The sessions will be either Afternoon sessions 1.00-3.00 pm or Evening sessions 7.30-9.30pm

January 6 Afternoon, 13 Evening, 20 Afternoon, 27 Evening
February 3 Afternoon,10 Evening, 17 Afternoon, 24 Evening
March 3 Afternoon, 10 Evening, 17 Afternoon, 24 Evening, 31 Afternoon
April 7. Evening, 14 Afternoon

Please contact the Secretary for further details 01695 726696 or [email protected]


Exercise classes for older adults are a fun way to stay active and independent. The low impact exercises are done to music and are specifically designed to help improve Flexibility, Aerobics, Balance and Strength.

Classes are held on Thursdays at:
09.45 – 10.45am
11.15am – 12.15pm
1.30pm – 2.30pm

To book your place email: [email protected]

For more information visit:

West Lancashire Debt Advice

West Lancashire Debt Advice offer free, confidential advice about problem debt. The friendly and approachable advisors are fully trained and part of a bigger organisation, Community Money Advice (, which provides training, advice and supervision and which is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. There are offers of help on the internet which are scams but sound convincing. West Lancs Debt Advice will only offer you sound advice-and you will not be pressured into doing something you don’t want to do. If you have problems with debt we would like to help you. Contact us by email at [email protected] or phone on 07731482120.

Please leave your name and contact details and we will get in touch to offer you an appointment.