I hope that you have been able to enjoy and share together a peaceful and Holy Easter.
Times are challenging just now for us all so please don’t hesitate to contact me if I can help in any way; sometimes just a quick chat can be all we need to brighten our day.
How blessed we are to have our Faith. Please find attached two activities that you may wish to embrace with your family together.
On your daily walk (or even indoors), collect some items that you can make a mini prayer garden with. A paper plate, an egg box, anything will do. Just add things, that you collect and say thank you to God for all that he has created for you.
Pray outdoors with chalks and bubbles. Use chalks to create your own family prayer picture. Draw your home and family, you can even cut out people using paper and add them to your picture. Include the names of people you’d like to pray for. Blow bubbles and send a prayer as each bubbles floats away, or even shout out loud the name of someone who is helping you everyday.
Pray together… God of all Creation, open our eyes to your wonders around us. Help us to embrace a bit of mess, that we might lead children to the beauty, peace and joy that exist in your amazing world.
With love and blessings to you all.
Cathy Family and Schools worker.