Jesus said ” come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest”
Mark 6:31 NIV

Come, I will refresh you,
Come, I will give you rest,
Come, I will carry your burdens,
Come, my way is best.

Come, I will nourish you,
Come, I will calm your fear,
Come, I give you light and life,
Come, I am near.

Come, I will teach you,
Come, I will show you the way,
Come, I am the Lord, your God,
Come, I am here every day.

Jesus, with open arms, You invite everyone to come to You.  We take a moment to rest our bodies, quieten our minds, be aware of our breathing and be still before You; to reflect on our focus and direction and to pray about anything on our hearts and minds ….

Jesus, whether we have minutes, hours or days, we come to You, source of all life and love. Replenish us in mind, body and spirit that we might love you better and nourish others with the love you have for us. Amen

Ruth Rushworth