Jesus said .. “… I am with you always …”

Matt 28:20 NIV

Gracious God,
At the beginning of this day

I give You my hands –
may they reach out to You and touch others with your love;

I give You my eyes –
May they see You and be open to the needs of others;

I give You my ears –
May they hear your voice and listen carefully to others;

I give You my lips –
May they praise You and encourage others;

I give You my feet –
May they walk in step with You and alongside others;

I give You my mind –
May it have your wisdom and pray for others;

I give You my heart –
May it know the depth, generosity and compassion of your heart and share it with others;

I give You myself –
May I know the fullness of your boundless love and love and serve You and others, for the sake of Jesus. Amen.

Ruth Rushworth