I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Phil 4:13 NKJV
Life on the edge
Living by faith
Relying fully
On saving grace.
Raised to the sun
In glory and praise
Responding to the light
In colour ablaze.
Thanks be to God
For Jesus his Son
For his life and love
And the victory He has won.
Gracious God, at times, circumstances, or challenges we wish to undertake, leave us feeling that we are living life on the edge. We thank you for the strengthening love and grace of Jesus, available to us in every situation, through the power of your Holy Spirit.
Gracious God, help us to keep our gaze firmly fixed on Jesus. May we know his presence and enabling in our lives, as we seek to follow your will and direction in all things.
As we reflect, we pray for those you have placed on our hearts …… may they know the strength and support of the love of Jesus. Amen.
Ruth Rushworth