For Christ himself has brought peace to us.
Eph 2:14 NLT
Loving God, we look at the trees, beautifully decorated, laden with light and colour. They lift our spirits in these dark winter days and remind us of the approaching celebrations of Christmas and the birth of Jesus.
We lift our eyes to the cross, overlooking the snowy scene; it’s brightness overshadowing the light and colour, the arms of the cross fully extended to embrace it.
As we reflect on the scene, we praise you, gracious God, for the unsurpassed love of Jesus. Everything was created through him and for him. He is before and above all things and in Jesus, life has meaning and is held together.* He is our peace, our hope our joy, our great reward.
Loving God, we praise you, we thank you for the gift of Jesus. May the joy of this beautiful gift of life and love be lodged forever in our hearts. Amen.
Ruth Rushworth
* Based on Col 1: 16-17