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Come, let us worship the Lord our maker; for he is our God and we the people of his pasture, the flock under his care.
Psalm 95: 6-7 NIV
Glorious creation,
Wonderful world.
Sing praise to God,
By whom we are made.
Praise to the Father,
Praise to the Son,
Praise to the Spirit,
God, three in one.
We lift our hearts high,
In worship and praise,
Singing glory to God,
All of our days.
Infinite wisdom,
Glorious might,
God of creation,
Everlasting light.
Healer, restorer,
Making all things new,
To God of the universe,
Our praise is due.
Praise to the Father,
Praise to the Son,
Praise to the Spirit,
God, three in one.
Gracious God, out of love you formed a beautiful and perfect world for us to enjoy and care for. Out of love, you made us in your image to walk closely with you. Out of love, Jesus came and gave his life to restore us to you Out of love your Holy Spirit is with us to guide us. Out of love you tend and care for us every single day.
Gracious God, you are Lord of all, the whole of creation declares your power and your love. We offer you our praise and worship.
God of love, in these challenging days, keep us close to you. Inspire us to care for our world and environment in new ways. Encourage us to be your hands, your feet and your voice in your world. Enable us to share your love, in practical and prayerful ways, that all may know the love, the hope and the assurance of Jesus in their lives. Amen
Ruth Rushworth