This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only son into the world that we might live through him.
1 John 4:9 NIV
Loving God, we praise you for the love of Jesus. As we sit quietly before you, we reflect on aspects of his life as he walked on this earth:
Jesus willingly left the realms of heaven, to be born in a stable, to give his life for us.
He taught about the kingdom of God, a kingdom of righteous, justice and peace. He spoke the truth, honestly and directly. He challenged beliefs and behaviour.
He was to be found with those who were rejected and cast aside by society. He accepted everyone who turned to him. He forgave, he healed, he restored.
Jesus never minded interruptions to his schedule. He showed unequalled love, mercy and compassion as he changed his path or plans to bless or heal those who were sick, in pain or in need.
He shared meals, celebrated and mourned with his friends.
He calmed storms, he fed people and urged them not to worry and to trust in the provision of God. He assured them of the everlasting love and peace of the kingdom of God.
Thank you that he sacrificed his life for us that, when we turn to him in repentance and faith, we receive eternal life through him.
Loving God, as we read about and reflect on the life of Jesus, who turned the world upside down, we ask you to shed new light on familiar stories, to reveal more of Jesus to us and deepen our relationship with him. We ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen
Ruth Rushworth