Image: MP McKellar – used with permission
Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding.
Proverbs 3:5 NIV
Loving gracious God, we praise you for the wonder and beauty of your creation, We praise you for your mighty power and strength, we praise you for great compassion and mercy, we praise you for your protection, we praise you for your bountiful provision. We praise you for your love in Jesus our Saviour and the life and promises that become ours as we believe and trust in him. We praise you for guidance of your Holy Spirit. We join our voices with all creation in praise, almighty, loving and gracious God.
We thank you loving God, our helper and provider, that there is no difficulty, no problem, no situation that is too big for you to handle. When we cannot see a solution, help us to lay aside our fears and anxieties and trust in your eternal perspective and loving purpose, that you will make a way. As we lift our hearts and voices to you in praise, may our confidence, security and peace be firmly placed in Jesus our Saviour. Amen.
Ruth Rushworth